8. not strong enough

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guys this chap is Seven's first mission
help homegirl bro

TW: SA, Killing, PEDOS.

This chap makes me upset.

"SEVEN YOU WILL KILL ONE PERSON." the old man's cruel words echoed in her head. She didn't know if she was going to physical be able to bring her to do that but she knew she had to.

Bucky and Seven had a mission now. Seven was beyond nervous. The old man had reminded Bucky countless times that if he failed, Seven would be dying, or worse.

Bucky wore the casual attire he always wore on mission. Seven was wearing a red dress with white flowers on it. It barely went past her knees. Then she wore ankle socks and Mary Jane shoes.

Bucky was disgusted by the reasoning she had to wear it. These men were rich enough to be able to buy children. Seven was being sold, just for a distraction. Before they can do anything to her though, Bucky would swoop in and kill them according to the missions goal.

The only good thing HYDRA has done is taking them out, and it's not even for the pedophile like tendencies. All these men belonged to HYDRA before this. They spilt themselves and made their own group. AXIS was what they were called.

Bucky and Seven walked through the dimly lit corridors of the old building, the echoes of their footsteps bouncing off the walls. Seven's small hand was gripped tightly in Bucky's, her eyes wide with fear and uncertainty. The mission had been laid out clearly, but the reality of what she was about to face weighed heavily on her young shoulders.

"Remember, Sev," Bucky whispered, leaning down to her level. "You just have to get them into the right place. I'll take care of the rest."

Seven nodded, her throat too tight to speak. She clutched the hem of her red dress, feeling the unfamiliar fabric against her skin. It felt wrong, like a costume she was forced to wear for a terrible play. The dress was meant to make her look innocent, desirable to the vile men they were targeting. The thought made her stomach churn.

As they approached the grand ballroom, the sounds of laughter and clinking glasses grew louder. Bucky straightened up, giving Seven's hand one last reassuring squeeze before letting go. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. Bucky slipped into the shadows, his presence disappearing as he moved into position.

Seven stepped into the room, the sudden change in atmosphere almost overwhelming. The air was thick with the scent of expensive cologne and cigar smoke. The men in the room were dressed in fine suits, their eyes scanning her with a mixture of interest and depravity. She fought the urge to run, remembering Bucky's instructions.

One of the men, a tall, thin figure with slicked-back hair, approached her with a predatory smile. "Well, what do we have here?" he drawled, his eyes raking over her small form.

Seven forced herself to meet his gaze, her heart pounding in her chest. "My name is Olivia," she said, her voice trembling slightly. Olivia was the fake name she was given. "I'm here to... entertain."

The man's smile widened, and he reached out to stroke her cheek. Seven flinched, but held her ground, remembering the plan. "You're a pretty little thing, aren't you?" he said, his voice dripping with malice.

Bucky watched the man's smile his hand reaching out to touch her cheek. Bucky had to resist the urge to leap from his hiding place and tear the man's arm off. Instead, he focused on the mission, knowing that Seven needed him to stay calm and precise.

Seven, despite her fear, stood her ground and introduced herself. Bucky saw the man's smile widen, saw the way he stroked her cheek, and felt a surge of protective rage. He reminded himself again of the mission's objective: to get the men into position and eliminate them before they could lay a finger on her.

THE CHAIN, B. Barnes daughterWhere stories live. Discover now