29. team cap

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SAM WAS AWESOME, STEVE WAS COOL, she didn't really mind being stuck with them. Sam said that "he had a guy" so now they were in a car, supposedly finding that guy.

Steve was busy talking to the lady she didn't really like, Sharon Carter. Sam and Bucky had started some kind of, beef?

"Can you move your seat up?" Bucky asked Sam, his voice laced with annoyance.

"No," Sam replied flatly, not even bothering to look back.

Bucky let out an exasperated sigh and looked over at Seven. "Sev, switch with me," he said, trying to maneuver himself out of the tight space.

Seven, being nimble and used to the tight confines from their time on the run, climbed over Bucky and settled into the left seat. Bucky moved to where she had been sitting, but it wasn't much better. He found himself just as cramped.

The seat in front of Seven was still uncomfortably close. She glanced at Sam, who was resolutely facing forward, then gently tapped his shoulder. "Sam, can you please move your seat up?" she asked politely, her voice soft but insistent.

Sam glanced back at her, his expression softening. "Sure thing, Lucky," he said, adjusting his seat to give her more space.

Bucky watched the exchange with a mix of disbelief and resignation. "Really?" he muttered, shaking his head.

Sam shrugged, a smirk playing on his lips. "I like the kid better than you. She didn't beat the hell out of me," he said, his tone light but with a hint of underlying tension.

As the old car rolled to a stop in a nearly deserted parking lot, the tension inside was palpable. The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the asphalt. Steve parked the car a few spaces away from a nondescript white van, the only other vehicle in sight.

"Alright, everyone, we're here," Steve said, turning off the engine.

Sam and Steve got out first, their movements purposeful and alert. Bucky and Seven followed suit, stepping out into the cool evening air. They stayed by the car, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger.

She watched as a man got out of the van, followed by a girl and a man with a bow and arrow slung over his shoulder. Steve walked over to greet them, shaking the first man's hand warmly but firmly. The man shook Steve's hands for a long time. Steve looked uncomfortable.

Seven tried to catch snippets of the conversation, but the distance and the low voices made it difficult. She glanced up at Bucky, who was standing protectively beside her, his eyes never leaving the new arrivals.

"We should get moving," Bucky called out, interrupting Steve and the man's conversation. His voice was calm but insistent.

Before anyone could respond, a loud announcement blared over the airport's PA system, the words spoken in rapid German. Seven didn't understand the language, but she could tell from the urgency in the voice that it was important.

"What's going on, Papa?" she asked, looking up at Bucky with wide eyes.

"They're evacuating the airport," Bucky explained, his tone serious.

Sam, who had been scanning the area, turned to Steve. "Stark?"

Steve nodded, his jaw set in determination. "Stark."

The man from the van, looked confused. "Stark? Tony Stark?"

Steve didn't elaborate further. He simply turned to the group, his eyes hardening with resolve. "Suit up."

SEV DIDN'T HAVW A SUIT TO "suit up" in. She stayed in her normal clothes, feeling slightly out of place among the armored and masked heroes. She stood next to her papa and Sam in the depths of the enormous airport, the sounds of distant activity echoing around them. Sam had his eyes on the Quinjet, their ticket out of this impending battle.

"Their Quinjet's in hangar five, north runway," Sam said through his earpiece, his voice tense but controlled.

Bucky grabbed Sev's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Stay close to me, Sev. We need to move fast."

As they sprinted down the terminal, Seven heard a thump on the glass above them. She glanced up and her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of a red-suited figure clinging to the ceiling.

"What the hell is that?" Bucky muttered, more to himself than anyone else.

"Everyone's got a gimmick now," Sam responded dryly, his eyes still scanning their surroundings for threats.

Seven's pace slowed as she stared up at the strange figure, but Bucky tugged her along, his grip firm. "Keep up, Sev."

Before they could react, the red-suited man kicked through the window, glass shattering around them. He moved with incredible speed and agility, quickly engaging Sam and taking him out with a swift kick. Bucky lunged at the intruder, but the man effortlessly caught Bucky's punch with his own gloved hand.

"You have a metal arm? Cool!" the man exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine excitement.

Seven, not one to be left out, tried to punch the man as well, but he caught her hand with his other one. She squinted in disbelief, trying to process what she was seeing. "What the hell are you?" she demanded.

"I'm Spider-Man!" he replied cheerfully, just as Sam grabbed him and yanked him away from Bucky and Seven.

The fight escalated quickly, with Spider-Man proving to be a formidable opponent. Bucky shoved Seven behind a nearby pole for cover, then picked up a piece of debris and hurled it at Spider-Man.

"Papa, I forgot how strong you were..." Seven muttered, her voice a mix of awe and fear.

"Well, I have a metal arm, so that contributes," Bucky replied, ducking back behind the pole as the debris flew through the air.

"Hey buddy, I think you lost this!" Spider-Man called out, and Bucky peeked out just in time to see the large piece of debris flying back towards him. He barely managed to dodge it, pulling Seven along with him.

In the chaos, Bucky and Seven made their way to where Sam was stuck to the railing with webs. Bucky let go of Seven and moved to help Sam, but Spider-Man intervened, knocking both men down to the lower level. In a flash, he webbed their arms to the ground, immobilizing them.

Seven stood off to the side, glaring at the red-suited hero. Spider-Man, noticing her stare, extended a hand in what seemed like a friendly gesture. "Hi, I'm Pe—well, I probably shouldn't tell you that," he said, catching himself. Seven tentatively reached out, and Spider-Man shook her hand enthusiastically.

He glanced down at Bucky and Sam, pinned to the floor. "Is metal man your dad or something?"

Sev nodded, her eyes narrowing. "Yeah..."

"Oh, never mind, I'm totally not ready to deal with that," he said.

Before he could say another word, Redwing swooped in, yanking Spider-Man away and sending him flying out the window with a startled scream.

Seven quickly ran to the edge of the platform, looking down at Bucky and Sam, who were still webbed to the ground. "You couldn't have done that earlier?" Bucky called up, frustration clear in his voice.

"I hate you," Sam retorted, glaring at Bucky.

THE CHAIN, B. Barnes daughterWhere stories live. Discover now