Gear Up

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The subway cart rattled against the tracks as it travelled underneath the New York City streets. Clint and Kate were sat next to each other, slightly slouched against the seats. The pair were still processing what they had learnt about Kate's mother and the way she connected to everything.

Clint glanced at his partner, the distraught still clear as day on her face. He sighed. Seeing the normally cheerful and energetic archer looking so glum was... heartbreaking. He couldn't imagine how bad it was for Spidey, seeing her like this.

Without turning away from her, he spoke, "Kate, I'm really sorry how this has all turned out for you."

Kate shook her head, she clearly didn't want to hear it, "Well... can't think about it right now. We've gotta focus on tonight."

She was ignoring her pain by putting all of her attention on the mission. A good distraction but it wouldn't help her in the long run. He would have to to talk to her about that soon but for now...

"You're right. We're going to need a ton of gear," he exhaled before looking directly at Kate and, knowing the monster that he might unless, said, "Like a whole bunch of way-too dangerous trick arrows."

Kate suddenly straightened, her eyes slowly growing wide as a smile broke through the pain.

"You can make more?" she asked, excitement overtaking the misery.

Clint smirked, "Why do you think we left the apartment? Or why do you think I sent Spidey on that supply run?"

Kate shrugged, "Honestly, I've been spacing out a lot ever since I learnt that my mom works for the mob."

"You know what, that's fair."

Flash forward a bit and the two Hawks are back at Grills' apartment. He had told them that they had full access to his workshop. Grills and Lucky were staying with the other LARPers, letting the archers work in pieces.

It's crazy how easily you could turn an arrow into a military-grade weapon.

"Hey, Kate, have you seen the pepper spray?" Clint asked as he screwed an arrowhead filled with miniature explosives onto an arrow stick.

"Yeah, I got it here."

The duo worked tirelessly, combining Stark Tech, PYM Tech (kindly donated by Scott a while back) and arrows bought from a local store so they would be armed and ready for the coming battle.

Elanor Bishop had painted a giant target on her back and the Kingpin would respond with overwhelming strength. They needed to be ready for anything.

"What's this one," Kate asked, showing Clint an arrow.

"Way too dangerous." was his response.

Kate nodded and repeated, "Too dangerous," before labelling the arrow as such.

They were probably five hours into working when they were interrupted by a knock on the living room window. They both stopped what they were doing and Clint smirked, "I was wondering when the kid is back."

He placed down the solder that he had been using and got up from the workbench. Kate was quick to get up and follow him. They walked to the living room where they saw an unexpected sight.

Spider-Man, clinging to the wall next to the living room window, dressed in blue sweatpants, an Iron Man Christmas Sweater and a Santa Hat. The only articles of clothing that seemed to be part of his actual costume were the gloves and mask. In the hand not clinging to the wall was a plastic bag with recognisable shafts inside.

"I hope you're not wearing that to party tonight." Clint joked as he opened the window, allowing the spider vigilante to crawl inside, "You'll be so distracted by the itches that you won't be able to avoid a grandma with a metal bat."

Spider-man: Christmas with Two HawksWhere stories live. Discover now