Car Chase

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Kate couldn't believe this was happening. She was in a car, driven by Hawkeye, with Spider-man on the roof and with a bunch of bad guys shooting at them. She was part of a superhero car chase, something she didn't think would actually happen a week ago. She figured it was safe to say that her life would never be the same again.

One of the green vans tried to overtake them, but Spidey quickly responded. He dived through the window and began to disarm the driver and passenger. The van started to swerve, as the driver was dazed and tied up. Spider-man reacted immediately, webbing the brake down and jumping out of the van.  Kate was once again in awe at the skill and power that Spider-man displayed. She hoped that one day she would be able o do half of the stuff that he can. 

She watched as Spidey swung towards another one of the cars to try and stop it, only to be intercepted by Scorpion who was also riding on the roof of a car. The two arachnids were knocked off the road and into the snowy paths of pedestrians. Kate knew that Spidey could handle his larger enemy. He had single-handedly battled half a dozen bad guys at the Battle of the Statue of Liberty. So until he got back, if he got back, it was her job to stop the Tracksuits.

Diving into the back suits, Kate reached for Clint's bow and quiver of arrows. She pulled them to the front and grabbed a random arrow. Clint noticed and took the arrow away from her. "We're out of regular arrows." He declared.

Kate was momentarily confused by this statement, "What do you mean... Oh my God, trick arrows?!" She smiled so brightly y that she could melt the snow. Her life just kept getting better and better.

"Definitely not this one," Clint stated as he removed an arrow from the quiver which had been placed between them, eyes switching between the road and the deadly weapons.

"Don't say definitely like that!"

"Not this one," he stated, tossing another very dangerous arrow to the back of the car like a bit of rubbish. "Too dangerous."

Sick of waiting for the safety inspection to be done with, Kate grabbed a random arrow and announced, "I'm using this one."

Clint warned her to be careful as she sat on the window edge, half of her body sticking out of the moving vehicle.

"I was born careful," Kate assured him as she took aim. She couldn't decide which vehicle to shoot, so she jumped to the most reliable decision-making method that exists.

"Eenie, meenie, money, mo." Coincidentally, the arrow hit the windshield of the van driven by Kazi. 

Kazi and the goon sitting next to him stared at the arrow with fear in their eyes, expecting it to explode or zap them. Instead, purple slime was released and expanded, covering their window and leaving them blinded but relatively unharmed. They tried using the window wipers to wipe the goo off but all they did was spread it.

Kate was baffled by the odd arrow and leaned n through the window to question Clint about it, "Play-dough arrow?"

"Hit their tires with the putty arrow," Clint advised, not taking his eyes off the road.

Kate rolled her eyes as she grabbed another arrow. "Oh, great idea. I'll do that as soon as you label these damn things." She seriously hoped that Spider-man would be back soon. Some giant scorpion shouldn't be a problem for him.

'Okay, this is a problem.' Peter thought to himself as he stared at the cut the Scorpion's tail had inflicted on his arm. There was definitely some sort of venom in that thing cause he was starting to feel a bit dizzy. It wasn't so bad that he couldn't fight, but it gave him a slight disadvantage.

"What's wrong Spider?" Scorpion asked from the top of a random taxi as civilians ran away from the fight. "Need to call in sick?"

Spidey couldn't help chuckling as he let go of the minor wound and quickly reloaded his web shooters. "It's but a scratch."

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