Together Breakfast

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Steven *opens the windows to watch the sunrise* Everyone's out. Guess I'm makin' us breakfast.
(Montage sequence of Steven rummaging his kitchen and making breakfast, starting with a stack of waffles with lots of syrup on them)

Steven *knocks on temple door* Pearl, Garnet, Tigs, Amethyst? Is anyone home? *turns around with a determined look on his face* Hm!
(Steven then microwaves some popcorn and dumps them over the waffles.)

Steven *sitting in front of the Warp Pad* One, two, three, warp in! *falls over to his side and sighs* I guess they're still out saving the world.
(Steven then sprays a mountain of whipped cream on top of the waffles.)

Steven *looks at the breakfast he just made* Look at you, you are out of control! *opens the front door of the house* Pearl? Garnet?! *goes back inside*
(Continuing to improve the breakfast, Steven takes a strawberry and carefully places it on top of the whipped cream. He then lifts the breakfast up in triumph.)

Steven It's done! *sets it down on the kitchen, sighs, and flops next to the breakfast* That thing's too good for me to eat alone. It's a... "Together Breakfast".
(The Warp Pad suddenly beamed in, startling

Steven. Garnet then appears from the warp stream, carrying a scroll in her hand.)

Steven Ah, Garnet, perfect! *picks up the Together Breakfast* Check it out! It's not exactly healthy, but it's in a stack, so I guess you could say, it's a... balanced breakfast?

(Steven strains a smile at his own joke, trying to get a reaction from Garnet, but she didn't.)
Steven You know, like I made us all breakfast. I thought we could eat together. Like, like best buds!

Garnet I can't stay. There's business to attend to inside the temple. *shines her gems at the Temple Gate and it opens*

Steven Aw, business? Like what? *sets the Together Breakfast on the kitchen counter*

Garnet I have to burn this. *unfurls the scroll, revealing strange mystic symbols, as ominous whispers are heard*

Steven Cool! *takes a photo of the scroll with his smartphone, and Garnet snatches it away* Ah!

Garnet I have to burn this, too. *leaves into the temple and the Temple Gate closes behind her*

Steven *runs up to the gate* No, my apps! Door! *lifts his shirt and presses his gem against it* Open, door! (Nothing happens.) Aw, you never work when I need it. *walks away dejected*

Just then Tigers eye come though the house door

Tigers eye- Hey Steven whats that you got there

As she inspects the together breakfast

Steven-Tigs perfect look at this master piece I call the together breakfast! I thought we could all eat it together

Tigers eye- Thats sounds nice Steven but I can't I have something I need to do

Steven- awwww Like what...

Tigers eye- I just defeated this

Tigers eye- I just defeated this

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