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"Is it a new kid or something?" Orion asked

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"Is it a new kid or something?" Orion asked. 

"And they have my middle name too," Sirius added.

(Name), Annabeth and Percy decided to zip their mouths, but their expression showed they know something for sure.

Percy's school day started normal. Or as normal as it ever gets at Meriwether College Prep.

His English teacher had made them read this book: Lord of the Flies. Percy had struggled to read it and ignored his class work, waiting until he got home so that his mom could read it to him properly and then he could give Tyson the summary the next day.

"Dyslexia is a curse," Zach shook his head.

"I know right," all of the demigods nodded in agreement.

Nico huffed, "You're lucky you even have someone to help you with that. I had to figure out The Iliad on my own. In Ancient Greek."

Will laughed. "Show-off. But seriously, I feel you, Percy. Reading modern English is hard enough without monsters trying to kill you."

Tyson looked puzzled. "Why read about boys on an island? We could just visit an island instead. Much more fun!"

"Plus, there are fewer pig heads on sticks," Percy added with a grin.

(Name) joined in with an amused smile, "You think reading Lord of the Flies is bad? Try getting through The Canterbury Tales with dyslexia. It's like trying to read Greek backwards."

Annabeth shook her head in amusement at her friends, but she had also known the struggle is real since she had been there and done that before.

Sirius overheard from his seat, chuckled. "I remember when James and I tried to cheat our way through that book. Used a charm to make it read itself aloud. Ended up making the book insult us in Old English."

This made the professors looked at the Raven-haired boy in amusement.

Remus raised an eyebrow. "And who cleaned up that mess? Oh right, me."

James laughed. "Well, it wasn't all bad. We did get a few good insults out of it. 'Thou pribbling ill-nurtured knave' is still one of my favorites."

This led to a ripple of laughter echoing the hall.

Hermione sighed. "Honestly, you lot are hopeless. Reading is important. It's a way to understand the world, even if it's through a magical lens."

Annabeth nodded in agreement with the brunette.

Harry nodded, though his expression was more sympathetic towards Percy. "I get it, though. Sometimes it's just too much. And with everything we deal with, it's a wonder we can focus on schoolwork at all."

𝙰𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚎 [𝙿𝙹𝙾 𝚡 𝙷𝙿] (𝟷)Where stories live. Discover now