Mini Story - Bad Day

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Sonic & Shadow private message.

> babee
> I have such a terrible day at work...

> what happened baby?

> so I went to greet a customer and this guy acted so much like a jerk
> like, SO disrespectful
> he treated me as if I'm an actual housemaid
> and I tried to keep my cool bc he's still a customer to the cafe
> I'm so angry I wanna cry

> aw baby I'm so sorry to hear that
> you did such a great job tolerating that guy
> are you home alrd? Do you want me to get you anything?

> just you coming home asap

> okay I'll be home in a moment
> I got a sudden call to the office so wait a bit okay?
> I love you

> okay
> I love you too


Shadow pulled over into the cafe's parking lot, the cafe where Sonic worked at. The sign said 'CLOSED' but he could see someone inside tidying up the place. He knocked on the glass door and caught her attention.

The maid put her broom away and went to the door, "I'm so sorry, but we're already closed." She said with an anxious smile.

"I know. I'm not here as a customer. I'm Sonic's boyfriend, can I talk to you for a moment? This is important."

The maid was surprised, but seeing how serious the other was she decided to trust him and opened the locks. Shadow stepped inside and thanked her.

"So...what do you wanna talk about?"

"Sonic complained to me that a customer was being very disrespectful to him. I need to know who this guy was, so I want to ask for your permission to check on the security footage." Shadow explained to the point.

"Oh! I didn't know that, Sonic didn't tell me!" She said worryingly before taking Shadow to check the computer behind the counter. "Let's see who it is so I can ban him." She said. Shadow felt happy that the other maid was supportive and protective of her co-workers.

She clicked on the video of the cafe recorded that noon, after speeding and skipping a few seconds they finally caught the rude customer that was with Sonic.

The way the customer acted had Shadow's blood boiling, especially when the guy knocked over a fork and demanded Sonic to get it for him. He couldn't bare watching his sweet boyfriend being treated that way.

"Oh this guy really is bad...I'll ban him and make an announcement of it for the cafe. I just hope he won't get violent when he finds out about it tomorrow..." the maid sighed anxiously while screenshoting the footage.

"Make that announcement. Print that and pin it to a place where your customers can read. You don't have to worry about him being violent, I promise." Shadow smiled assuringly.

"If any bad customers shows up again, you can tell either Sonic or Silver about it. My friend and I can help you take care of them."

"Oh you're too kind." The maid chuckled, "thank you so much."

"Please, don't tell Sonic that I came here, alright? Just tell him that you saw the footage and that's how you discovered the harassment." Shadow begged.

"Will do, thanks for letting me know about this." The maid nodded.

Shadow thanked her again for letting him watch the footage. He left the cafe and went to hunt down the mean guy, he decided that he also needed to buy some snacks for Sonic before he went home.


The next day, Silver and the other maids were gathering around Sonic after the news of his harassment blew up in their work groupchat. They wanted to make sure Sonic was okay and that he was truly comfortable in coming to work that day.

The maids were waiting and getting themselves ready for that customer's arrival, but they kept waiting for hours and he just didn't show up until it was almost closing time.

"Hey Sonic, you have a boyfriend, right?" Asked the same maid that talked to Shadow the day before.

Sonic turned around and was a bit surprised from the question, "Yes?"

"I'm just curious to know what his job is, if you don't mind telling me? I'll tell you what my boyfriend's job is too if you tell me." She smiled awkwardly.

"Oh, he's a pro agent at GUN." Sonic answered.

"Ahh..." the maid thought it now made so much sense to what Shadow said last night about taking care of the problem.

"Um, my boyfriend's a tattoo artist. He opened his shop for more than three years now!" She said in return for the answer.

"Really? That's cool! That means I can reccommend your boyfriend's shop to my friends if they ever wanna get a tattoo." Sonic smiled.

They continued their banter until it was closing time. The day went so much better without the harasser and Sonic's mood was back to normal.

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