Dreams... Again:3

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I'm not complaining about the dream, but I'm waiting for a real sign TwT.  Like maybe actually transforming into a real magical girl? I'll wait for however long it takes.

Anyways onto the dream!

This dream was kind of a test. At first it started off with me and my friends goofing of near a bush of white roses, until we were called over to take a hero exam of some sort. We started off in a puzzle room where everything was filled with tricks. In that dream on of the contestants bruised themselves a lot because they chose faulty cards, but we all passed to the next segment. If I remember correctly there was a long staircase in a garden that e had to run down as a physical exam. I passed again, but then there was another puzzle. Somehow I fell asleep and woke up in the next segment. It was back where we had started. I managed to attach the white roses back into the bushes and they started turning red while the other contestants finished the last puzzle. The hero examiners tested each of us. Mine came out as 98% lucky which meant extreme luck. Often times I am extremely lucky and good at guessing. The dream repeated itself, except I was an examiner who could jump really high and glide down. I looked like a celestial maiden in very light pastel pink, purple, and cyan clothing. The other examiners knew I was an anomaly and tried chasing me down, but I was too strong and fast. I ran down and watched my friends finish running to the garden. I saved some of my friends from being kidnapped. Then in the lake a giant shark-like monster started terrorizing  them. Since it was too strong for them I defeated it with my celestial sword in one shot.

Anyways why are all of my dreams so random >.> I'm also gonna temporarily stop with the gifs and sparkles because I'm very tired

> I'm also gonna temporarily stop with the gifs and sparkles because I'm very tired

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Stay hopeful -Estelle

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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