oops.. busted

24 2 0

(tw abuse)

she kept nodding cluelessly

the doctor talked a little more and then eventually left

my whole world had started coming crashing down on me yet again
Charles just stared at me with a blank expression
My eyes were fixated on the white wall in front of me and none of us dared to speak
the silence was painful.
Before Charles could say anything the door to my room opened again and my mum came in to stay the night asking Charles to go home and get some rest.

what a relief, i sighed.....

his hand moved towards my face, and i tried to move my face away from his hand
Ale-, she stuttered
his hand caressed my face,

yes sweetheart... i'm right here...
How are you feeling? do you know how scared I was when i saw your crash?? My heart almost stopped. I haven't been able to sleep but now you're finally back you fought it you fought so hard and you came back for me
I love you so much Natasha thank you for fighting and coming back to me

She took a sharp breath, her body tense and rigid. God the duality of this man
he ran his fingers through her hair and placed a kiss on her forehead
he took my hand in his and sat next to me in silence then my mum returned and oh the face she made at first, but then had small talk with him

everytime Alex did some kind of movement with his hands i swear to god i flinched

time skip two hours later

the door opened and Charles walked in but his instant look of concern changed to one of jealousy? worry? i couldn't quite put a finger on it, when he saw Alex next to me

Hey... , charles said
Hi... , i responded
um how are you doing?
she's doing good mate..
uh where's your mother?
uh she left actually when I came, Alex spoke yet again
oh... uh I think I should come back another time...
one thing Charles was glad about was that Alex would have to leave after visiting hours were over and Charles would get to stay...
They had worked out some kind of arrangement with the hospital the day she was brought in stating Charles was the primary person of care contact followed by her parents

When it was lunch time Charles had sent a sticky note hidden under one of the food box stating all she had to do was drop something if she needed help...... and he waited
but she didn't... she didn't drop anything not a noise from the room


Alex get's kicked out (not really :( he has to leave because the visiting times up)

and few moments later charles goes inside
why didn't you do it?

do what? i asked confused
why didn't you drop something?
i stared at him in silence

Natasha.... the monégasque spoke as he took a chair and sat next to me
What is going on?? please let me help you... please tell me.. i'm worried sweet girl after what the doctor said... is it true..

Charles... I am fine really

but oh he was not having it

You're fine? YOU ARE FINE!!?? seriously Nat what.the.fuck. Are you jokingg!?? you are fine?
You are- jesus Natasha you were fucking roofied and you think- , he ran his hand through his hair...
oh his hairs they are so gorgeous... no no focus natasha focus... -Natasha???
yeah um sorry.. what were you uh what were you saying...

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