how long?

40 3 0

The sunlight entered the room through the gaps of the sheer white curtain blinding the man sitting in the room with bloodhsot, eyes purple eyebags and a dehydrated body.

The room was lifeless, he was lifeless, she was lifeless, nothing seemed positive about this moment.... or the past few days... but the only aspect keeping him off the edge of his insanity was, the little ray of hope hidden deep down in the dark corner of his heart....
his wavering thoughts had almost consumed him but he didn't have the courage to give up, to accept it yet, because as much as he's known her from the first time they met till the day she cras- yeah well that..., she's very strong and determined and deserving and she's proved that multiple times.


A soft alarm like sound beeped letting Charles know it was 8.30 already and the same ritual repeated, the assistant doctor came in to check if there's any improvement, if she's shown any progress or everything's the same or worse.

Pierre came in with Lorenzo who had to make sure his younger brother drank water and ate bread or something because to get him to move was an obstacle no one could succeed at but, Enzo made a little progress with him.


A few hours later another thought hit him, again,
Why was her boyfriend not visiting her? He came in twice and when the doctor said he'd rather have Charles stay nights because of his reluctancy, he totally stopped visiting saying she's anyhow asleep and he's got meetings? What an absolute dick head.
The second 'Why are her parents not here yet why is only Benjamin? Benedict? here their daughter is battling life and death and they are still not here?

Benedict's Pov
Hiya charles how are you doing?, I asked timidly
Could be better, he said emotionlessly
Did you eat something? be honest
In the morning yes
Alright so you won't budge would you?
he looked at me and said nothing
Fine i'll go down to the cafeteria and grab something but you will have to eat if not for yourself then for her for my sister for Natasha

I left to go downstairs when my phone started to vibrate

Hi mom
yes erm no
i'm sorry
i know but it will be odd like anything...
i know i know but do you really want to....
yes well i guess he won't
no dad a NDA is too extreme
i know
fine erm if there's no progress today ig you can come tonight or tomorrow
yes she's still on the same floor

her fingers twitched as she slowly groaned in pain, shifted a little as she slowly opened her eyes...  She looked around and spotted the face
she croaked 'Charles' although barely audible, it sent shivers down his body hoping that he wasn't hallucinating

Charles rushed to her side planting a kiss on her forehead and grabbing her hands as tears rolled down his face,
'thank you thank you thank you Nat-
oh god Natasha I- you- oh fuck

w-w what happened....

it's ok you're safe now...
oh shit i was supposed to tell the doctor once you're up hang on, he pressed the button to send a message to the doctor as he continued to caress her hair

ch-charles please don't cry, she struggled speaking
hearing her say that only made him cry more

the doctor arrived..

Ms.Costella how are you feeling?
Well erm i'm super confused
Oh okay do you remember anything?
I'm not sure
That's alright a couple of days and you'll recall stuff
Is there any sort of pain you're feeling?
erm not sure

Okay so there's no permanent damage of any sorts. You were really lucky for that and uh i'll give you the detailed analysis in a day or so whenever you feel better and at peace, but well.... i do want to address certain things with you that i'm concerned about and i'd like to discuss asap so maybe in a few hours if that's fine?
erm y-yeah um sure yea cool

he left us with that

the pain surely had slowly started to kick in as Natasha softly winced every now and then

Charles went over to Natasha and held her hand and softly said, 'hey welcome back mi amor, how are you feeling?'

she just gave him a 'mhmm'

your brother's been visiting everyday he'll be uh back by 4, Charles said trying to small talk
uhm you know Toto Wolff and his wife Suise Wolff personally visited- her eyes widened at this-
because they felt it was the car's fault, Lewis' been visiting as well and uh oh yes i should call your boyfriend let him know you're conscious

n-no, she croaked
what? sorry?
why? uh alone for a few days
so erm please... no one tell him....i'm conscious...
fishy he thought to himself but maybe she didn't want him to come because he'd be too worried or something?
-i dont want him to worry unnecessarily...
oh alright, he said , it's probably nothing i shouldn't overthink he thought

Benedict came in around 4:30
'fuck you're up you're awake oh my god Natasha fuck shit i gotta call mom and dad fuck oh my god how are you my love how have you been feeling when did she regain consciousness' he looked at Charles and asked
'oh my honey you look so fragile my poor baby do you wanna talk to mom and dad??'
she nodded
he gave her his phone and face timed them
line ringing.....

oh my god my poor baby oh oh Torg Torg come quick it's Nat
WHAT? Nat?
she's back?, tears already forming in his eyes as he asked this
yes come quick
oh my god my pumpkin
Natasha my baby oh you look awful, her dad said
Torg? Suz gave him a pointed look
No I meant tired and the bruises and everything she till gave him the look
how are you mom? she finally spoke up
i'm alright holding up but now i'll be good you're back you're my baby is finally back
i uh honestly i dont know
sugar..... her mom exclaimed

a/n 1054 words
hiie lovelies i'm back hopefully i think
i hope ya'll enjoy this chapter and i promise i'm gonna give you a twist in the next chapter and i really mean it
please don't forget to
love ya'll

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