𝐱𝐢. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠

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*hey guys!! hope your enjoying this story so far

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*hey guys!! hope your enjoying this story so far. just wanted to thank you all for over 100 reads! i can't believe it. hopefully the story is getting interesting now :)

i fought back tears as finn and i went to go see jasper. apparently he had woken up, and that was why he had gone looking for me.

finn glanced at me as we walked. he had let go of my hand once we were far enough away from the woods that he knew i wouldn't try to go running back.

"i'm sorry, mads. i really am. but you've seen what bellamy is trying to do. he wants us to turn on clarke and take off our wristbands."

"we have bigger issues than that," i said harshly. "like the grounders coming for us now that we've rescued jasper. and my wristbands are already off. have been for atleast a week."

finn nodded. "yeah, i know. just remember who's on your side here. that's all i'm saying."

i stopped walking. "there shouldn't be sides! we're all from the ark."

finn paused too. "madeline, listen to yourself. just a few days ago you didn't agree with bellamy either. and now your willing to argue for him! i know you want to see your—he broke off— raven again and for everyone to come down. so why fight this?"

"maybe because i finally felt like i had someone of my own." i waited a minute before continuing, hoping that my words would sink in. "you and raven always had each other. since before i can remember. it was always you and her. and i was happy for you two, but i always felt like i was intruding on something. that you guys wanted to be alone. so yes, finn, i was happy that a boy had finally shown interest. i was happy to finally have my first with someone i liked too."

his eyes were frantic, and he moved to rub his temples with his fingers. he slid his hands down his face until they were at his sides again. he brushed them on the legs of his pants. "i never realized..."

"of course you didn't. believe me, though, i never expected you too." i began to start walking again, quicker this time, towards the dropship. we were almost there. he rushed to keep up, after standing in silence for an extra second, and soon we were back at jasper's side.


"welcome back, buddy," finn said to him as he clamped his hand into his as way of greeting. it was a guy thing.

jasper laughed groggily. "was that a dream or did i get speared?"

"no. and you'll have a very impressive scar to prove it," clarke told him while smiling.

i didn't exactly want to be around her right now, but i reminded myself that clarke never did anything wrong. she had no idea that i was upset. so i didn't object.

𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 // 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝟏𝟎𝟎Where stories live. Discover now