Episode 48. Past To Now

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Episode 48. Past To Now

Grian: {Sleeping parrot, then} Ah! {He changes back to normal flying down} Thank the gods I’m the only one who slept outside ....{His wings flutter down to his side, a pain goes through his side} Dang it! {Looks at his side and notices it was the cut from his past} … {Thinks back, mutters} Alis…. {His wings wrapped around him, he pulls his legs in, quietly crying} 

Alister: “ Grian-..” ||* A bit sleepy *||

Grian: {Startled, and clears his tears} Alis, why are you up?

Alister: “ You woke me up-.. Are you alright-?”

Grian: Sorry I didn’t mean to wake you up…

Alister: “ Hey do you remember that song I sang to you as a kid-?”

Grian: Yeah…{Smiles then grunts lightly, In his head} Why does that cut hurt so much…

Alister: “ How about I sing it-.. for old time sake-?”

Grian: Sure…



I picked you up from school today-..

Should have seen the look on your face… 

Said you were an astronaut-...~

And just went to the moon-... ||* She smiles *||

And next week you'll be flying planes-~ ||* A plane made of magic flys by *||

As Spider-Man to save the day-..! 

You don't know your dreams will change-..., but I do…

And I know your first sip of mom's rum-~ ||* She giggles as she shakes her head *||

Won't be when you turn 21-..

And not every friend that you meet at 15-... 

Will be there at 50-~.. ||* (( Sam )) *||, and I know-...

The world can be quite scary-..~

Make you feel so ordinary-..

Tell you who you'll be before you're six-.. ||* She Grimaces *|| 

You're gonna have to fall a few times-...

Before you finally hit your stride-...!

Hope you don't forget to take a risk-~...

'Cause you're just a kid-.. ||* She looks at him and pulls him into her lap *||


Dropped you off at school today-..

Wish you'd see the look on your face-...

Didn't want your friends to see-...  ||* Talking about YHS *||

Your sister-..., you're too cool-.. ||* She giggles *||

You're 16 now and you're doing fine-..

School sucks, but you'll be alright-..~

Got nothing figured out~, ah, no-~

And I knew( Know) you're gonna feel heartbreak-... 

You're gonna have lots of bad days-...

Some of your friends will be fake and two-faced ||* Talking about Sam & Hijo *||

It's too much to take in, and I knew (Know)-..

The world can be quite scary-~

Make you feel so ordinary-...

Tell you who you'll be before you're six-...

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