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Zachary Luther Taylor, born into a wealthy family who dabbled in real estate, casinos, hotels, PR marketing firms and Law firms. He's the only child of his Father and only grandchild of the Taylors making him the heir to all the Taylor wealth. At the age of  14, Zac and his best friend Heather decided to be one another's first. They had sex and this resulted into Heather becoming pregnant after having sex one time. Zac's parents were supportive and made sure that their son and Heather were taken care of however Heather came from a family where they had to make ends meet monthly, her father was abusive and a drug addict and her mom wasn't supportive of her pregnancy. Unfortunately Heather died during child birth making Zac a single father at 15 years old.  Zac raised Michael with the help of his parents and family, Heather's family denied Michael and did not wish to be apart of his life. 


Zac (24) woke up and stared at the empty space next to him in his bed, dating has never been a priority to him because he didn't want to bring just anyone around his son especially not after seeing a whole bunch of shit step parents do to their significant other's kids on crime watch daily. It's always been Zac and Michael against the world. He got out of bed, showered and did his morning routine before going to man-man's room to get him ready for school. Michael but he goes by man-man was a bubbly 9 year old whose super smart and super observant, he's charming like his dad and he very considerate of other's feelings and he's kind.

Zac: Yo it's time to get up

Man-man: Morning dad been up for 10 minutes already getting ready for school now. Today is "Family Friday" again can you please come have lunch with me? You've missed the past 7 and I don't like sitting on my own I know Grandma comes when she can but it's not the same the kids are already teasing me because I don't have a mommy. I don't want them to say my dad doesn't love me.

Zac: I'm gonna try my best to come I'll move a few things in my schedule. 

Man-man: You promise?

Zac: I'll try my best man

Zac dropped Michael at school and made his way to meet his mom at the law firm they owned. "Good morning Mr. Taylor" the receptionist said batting her eye lashes at him. He was so used to women throwing themselves at him but her paid them no mind, he's only concern was raising his son and working. "Morning Greta is my mom in yet?" He asked her while scrolling through his phone. Before she could even reply he heard to most angelic voice ever "Good Morning Greta, how you doing this morning" the woman with the voice said. Zac looked up from his phone and saw the most beautiful woman, she had this glow to her that was warm and inviting, her smile was gorgeous and her body was from out of this world. "Damn" Zac said under his breath. "Good morning Miss Wilson" Greta greeted back while staring at Zac who was staring at the woman. "Mr. Taylor you can go right ahead your mom is expecting you." Greta said in an annoyed tone. Zac nodded his head looked at the woman one more time before making his way to his mom's office. He spend the entire morning in a meeting with his mom but he could barely pay any attention cause the pretty woman consumed his mind. He looked at his watch and saw he could still make it to Michael's lunch so he picked up his lunch order from his friend's restaurant called Danni's and made is way to school.

Elouise: Hey aunty my friend Michael's dad never makes it to family lunches can he join us?

Fatima: Sure baby girl, we have enough here go tell him to join us.

Elouise skipped off to go get Michael who was sitting alone and sad because once again his father couldn't make. He gladly accepted Elouise's invitation and the two made their way hand in hand to where Fatima was seated.

Fatima: Hi you must be Michael, I'm Fatima Ellie's aunty.

Michael: Nice to meet you Miss Fatima, thank you for including me in your lunch date. My daddy is probably working that's why he couldn't make it.

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