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"Yo man you have to sleep in your own bed tonight" I said to Man-man

"Says who?" Man-man said challenging me

"Your mom" I said

"Cap she loves being snuggled up with me" He replied with a smirk on his face.

"Babe! Your son needs to go back to his own bed it's been two nights already. You made up for all the snuggles you've missed daddy wants some special snuggles" I said to Fatima making Michael give her the puppy face " Why's his ass making his face like you do when you're trying to get your way? Man that don't work on men!"

"Zac baby leave my son alone. Michael honey daddy and mommy need to spend some quality time together so you need to sleep in your bed tonight. But I will snuggle with you till you fall asleep" Fatima said in her gentlest mommy voice.

"So y'all gonna have sex?" Michael asked nonchalantly making Zac almost choke on his juice.

"honey what do you know about sex?" She asked testing what he know and what he doesn't so she and I don't over explain it.

"I'm almost 10 I know people have sex and it produces a baby in mom's tummy" He replied.

"Okay let's table this conversation till when we get home from work and school baby" Fatima replied cause she didn't know what else to say.

"Uhm yeah" I agreed

We finished breakfast gathered everything we needed for work, I dropped Man-man off at school before Fatima and I made our way to the law firm. I had a few meetings there this morning so I decided to work from the comfort of my wife's office that's if we even get work done. Fatima and Man-man have been inseparable since she got home automatically this means no loving for daddy cause mommy is wearing pj's to bed and our son was right next to her. I love their connection but I need my son to go back to his room so I can love on my girl. "Maybe we should just ask our mom's how to handle this whole sex situation" Fatima broke the silence the wheels in her head has been turning since she tabled the conversation till later. "Okay, I wasn't ready to have this conversation with him yet" I replied as I pulled into Fatima's designated parking spot at work. I got out made my way to her side to open the door for her and we made our into the office hand in hand. I swear us parading our love never gets old. Fatima is a beautiful woman so naturally the men throw themselves at her every chance they get even though she's in a committed relationship which is why I love walking around this bitch as place cause I got the prize. I get to wake up to her every day and I get to put her to sleep every night.  As for the women who tries flirting me with I pay them dust. It's Fatima and I against the world.

My first two meetings were back to back and I was bored as fuck I just wanted it to end so I can get to my girl. My mom didn't appreciate my body language so she definitely got my ass after the meetings, she definitely doesn't play about business especially since one day the Taylor empire will all be mine so I need to start acting right in these meetings. I made my way to my baby's office and I stood in the door way watching her work. I swear it's honestly illegal to be this damn beautiful. I hope our daughters looks like her, I'm gonna have to kill a few little niggas in the future

"You're staring sir" Fatima said while batting her eyelashes

"Just enjoying the view, my wife looks sexy as fuck behind that desk. And a nigga just standing here thinking how beautiful my daughters will look cause you'll be their momma" I said with a smile on my face

"Your daughters? And here I'm hoping we'll have another son that looks just like his dad and that way remain I the queen of my castle and I don't have to share my man with another girl." She said

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