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I woke up thinking I dreamt about making love to Fatima only to find her beautiful naked body laying next to me. I crawled under the covers and started eating her pussy like I've been doing it my entire life and like it was my favorite meal. I heard her starting to moan and then like the good girl she is she released all her juices in my mouth leaving the remains on my beard. "good morning beautiful" I said kissing her lips, "Good morning handsome wow now that's a way I love being woken up" Fatima said with a smile. I made love to her for a few rounds before we both hopped into the shower and had about three more rounds in there. While Fatima got ready for the day I went into her kitchen and fixed some breakfast. She came down in some booty shorts and a crop top looking sexy and very much fuckable.

Fatima: you made breakfast.

Zac: I did , so what's your plans for today?

Fatima: I dunno, I guess I was gonna go to the mall and do some shopping then have lunch and come back home and chill.

Zac: Mind if I tag along? Michael is with my parents this entire weekend so I have nothing to do.

Fatima: Well since you're begging I guess you can tag along. But you're buying me lunch sir.

Zac: Shit I'll buy you whatever you want.

Fatima: Can I ask you something

Zac: Sure.

Fatima: Where's Michael's mom?

Zac: Heather was my best friend in high school we were just a couple of kids being stupid. We decided to be one another's first. She came from a family that didn't have much and didn't care for her, anyway the first time we ever had sex she fell pregnant. My parents were super supportive but hers weren't. She died during child birth due to heart failure. Her family never wanted to have anything to do with Michael so I raised him with the help of my parents. I tried dating but not much cause I didn't wane have just anyone around my son. Man-man has been my main focus since I was a teen. And being a teen dad was hard as fuck but I'm doing the best I can.

Fatima: and you're doing an amazing job cause your son is polite and super well behaved.

Zac: Thanks, I've never done what we did last night and I don't want it to seem like I'm taking advantage of you. I'd really like to get to know you. When I saw how you and Michael interact at lunch yesterday I was super surprised cause he doesn't really open up to anyone just like that it takes a while for him to warm up to people.

Fatima: I'd like to get to know you too Zac. And last night was my first time doing something like that too. You're the second person I've ever been with so this is definitely all new to me.

Zac: Yeah I heard you came out of a serious relationship and have been taking time to get to know yourself

Fatima: I swear I'm gonna kill those bitches (making Zac laugh)

Zac: Rob told me cause he said Danni was gonna spill the beans anyway so he might as well do it.

Fatima: Yeah her mouth is crazy. But I'm gonna deal with Rob's ass.

Zac: how about we worry about who you are killing tomorrow and focus on us today.

Fatima: I like the sound of that (kissing him)

Zac: you better stop before I fuck you on this island and we don't leave this house today

Fatima: please don't tempt me with a good time.

Zac: how about we eat, you go get dressed and we leave to go to my place so I can get dressed then we head to the mall.

Fatima: Sounds perfect to me.

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