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It's been three weeks since Zac and I met, we've pretty much been inseparable. I love spending time with him and Michael. I was basically acting like a whole wife and mommy. It all came so naturally like I was born to do this. Zac and I are pretty much in a routine, We wake up, do our morning routines. He gets Man-man up and ready for school while I'm in the kitchen preparing breakfast. Once we've had breakfast we drop Man-man off at school then Zac drops me off at the office before heading to work. Yeah your girl has turned into a passenger princess. If I'm not having lunch with Zac I'm either having it with my mom, Andi and his mom. The three of them have been driving me crazy about my situationship with Zac. Zac picks up Man-Man from school then gets me from the office before we make our way home.  If I'm not making dinner Zac is so basically we rotate dinner duties. We help Michael with his homework while we're cooking dinner. That usually turns into family time every night. I usually get Michael ready for bed once his down Zac and I get to have some quality time with one another whether it's us having steamy sex or just us laying in one another's arms watching TV. I'm enjoying every damn second of it. I've also now graduated to mommy Tima. At first Zac was worried about how I would take it but I honestly loved that Man-man called me that.

Today we were having a slow day because we were pretty much just finishing up some work before we went on vacation. Zac's and my parents decided to do a family vacation together. Coincidence I think not. I swear everyone is plotting against Zac an I, yet we're pretty much moving at our own pace in our own little bubble.

Andi: Mommy Tima you ready to lazy around in the sun?

Fatima: You on that Mommy Tima shit too?

Andi: Look sis you're honestly doing amazing with little Mike and you looked extremely happy and honestly so does Zac. I'm loving all of this for you. All those years with Ian and you never had this glow. I've known Zac for a while now and I know that he's a good man. You guys are perfect for one another. Plus your brother low-key absolutely love that you're dating his best friend cause now he knows that his baby sister is well taken care of.

Fatima: Thanks Andi, I am happy I've never been in a relationship where I could just be myself and my man actually hypes me.

Andi: wait we're graduated to a relationship already?

Fatima: I mean  his my man but he's not my man. Get it? We're not in a relationship yet.

Andi: But you want to be...

Fatima: I mean yeah I guess. Shit I never thought I'd feel someone this soon.

Andi: Girl your ass has been single for almost 2 years. It's about time you under another man. I'm happy you're happy though.

I seemed to have lost track of time cause Zac and Man-man walked in ready for us to head home already. Michael instantly hugged me before even acknowledging Andi. He's definitely turning into a momma's boy. I then kissed my man.

Zac: Hey Mrs. Taylor (Kissing me again)

Fatima: boy you better stop. (Pecking his lips)

Andi: Do I need to take my nephew with me?

Fatima: no that's okay we're about to head home. Oh shit babe we need to stop at Target and get a few things for this trip.

Zac: First trip as a Family I'm excited.

Andi: Okay Taylors I see you. Love you guys. Talk to you later Mommy Ti.

I rolled my eyes as she left my office leaving only my family in my office. I packed up my things and the three of us made our way out but being stopped by my mom who was making small talk but mostly her ass was just being petty cause she knew that Zac and my relationship has been the talk of the firm so my mom's ass was basically just out here parading our relationship to make people jealous.  "Mom we have to go, we still have a few errands to run before we leave tomorrow" I said to my mom cause I really didn't want anyone in my business. "Sure baby see you guys tomorrow" She said hugging the three of us before we left. I merely just rolled my eyes at the girl drooling over Zac, him taking a page out of my mom's book of pettiness decides to grab my ass and squeeze it making my giggle like a school girl.

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