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"OH MY GOD! Andi what the actual fuck!" I shouted at Andi as she drove me home from my doctor's appointment.

"Calm your ass down you heard what the doctor said. I know you're in disbelief shit I am too." Andi said to me as we pulled up at home. I thanked Andi for being my ride and she left to go back to the office. I made my way to our bedroom where I saw Zac sleeping so I took a quick shower and got into bed next to him. I was exhausted and needed the sleep. When I woke up from my my nap the bed was empty, I freshened up and made my way downstairs where I found Zac and our mom talking in the kitchen.

Mona: When did you get back? We didn't hear you come in.

Fatima: I came back like 2 hours ago, I was exhausted and wanted to check on Zac first but he was sleeping when I got in so I decided to join him.

Gladys: Enough with the small talk what did the doctor say?

Fatima: Is it okay if I share this news in front of them babe? I mean I don't want you to be mad at me.

Zac: It's okay baby I mean they've been worried about you too so I guess we can share it with them.

Fatima: The doctor said I'm expecting (mumbling to herself)

Mona: Baby speak up we can't hear shit

Fatima: The doctor said that we should get ready for Taylor 2.


Mona & Gladys: Congratulations this is amazing!

Fatima: Yeah I'm 6 weeks along! We took the tests to early.


Fatima: No baby one and done!

Zac: That's what you say now! Oh my God baby this is amazing! I love you!

Out of excitement Zac's ass of course went online and ordered a whole bunch of baby things while talking to our moms about the baby's nursery. Seeing him excited was really all I needed a part of me wished that when I fell pregnant the first time that Ian would've reacted the way Zac did but instead he made me get an abortion. 

I also thank God for not allowing me to have that attachment to Ian for the rest of my life. If I had that baby with Ian my life would've been so miserable and I wouldn't have been with the love of my life. Now I kind of wish I had a glass of wine before I went to the doctor cause man I'm gonna miss drinking for the next few months. Zac and our moms literally spent the next 30 minutes going on and on about whether they wanted a girl or a boy. They were all team girl I mean Zac of course wants to be a girl dad so he's hyped about that. While listening to their conversation all I could think about is having a baby boy that way he will have Michael to be his protective big brother but shit if I have a girl I can already see both Michael and Zac acting a fool. "Honestly I don't care what the gender is I just want a healthy baby. Can the three of you keep this to yourselves  cause I don't want anyone to know yet." I said making Zac look at me like I'm crazy.

"Baby you know Andi loose lips went with you to the doctor so you should warn her first." Zac said making our moms nod cause Andi can't hold water for shit.

"I made her promise and sometimes Andi knows how to keep her mouth" I said defending my best friend. My mom rolled her eyes and proceeded to dish dinner for us. Zac and I haven't been alone in the house in a while so we basically had to force them to go home to their husbands cause my dad was already complaining even though we told them they could stay over too our dads didn't wane invade our space. I do however know our moms be going on booty calls to satisfy their men which is nasty as fuck cause I really don't even wane think about my mom and dad fucking.

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