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"Did you just turn down an alcohol beverage?" Andi asked staring me down. Her question immediately got the attention of both my mom and Zac's mom. We were having our usual mommy-daughter date and Gladys was over the moon because this was her first mommy-daughter date experience ever since she doesn't have a daughter and Zac never brought anyone along before me.

"Uhm I just don't feel like drinking today" I said while taking a sip of my orange juice.

"I call bullshit! I know my daughter so spill it" My mom said, I've never been able to lie to her so I don't know why I even tried.

"I'm late." I said sounding more nervous than I intended.

"What! I'm getting another grandbaby?" Gladys basically shouted.

"Calm down, I said I'm late not pregnant." I said but my mom, Andi and Gladys were too excited to even pay me any mind. "Enough you guys!"

"Does Zac know?" My mom asked

"He knows I'm late, he's actually out getting some pregnancy tests right now. I'll be taking them when I get home." I said nonchalantly

"Can we come by while you take them? You know for moral support" Andi asked to which our mom's heads were nodding

"Absolutely not, the last thing I need is y'all being there when we get the results. Besides if it's positive you guys will be the first to know."  I said to them. I never should've even told them about me being late in the first place.

"How do you feel about all this? I mean have you given any thought to having a baby with Zac. This is a safe space so you can answer honestly. And I know you've been getting a lot of pressure from everyone to have a baby so how do you honestly feel?" Gladys asked

"At first I was annoyed cause everyone was pressuring me including Zac. I needed to be honest with Zac regarding Ian and the abortion. I also had to work through my feelings which I've been doing. Am I trying to get pregnant absolutely not but I'm also not trying not to. So basically everything is in God's hands. Seeing Zac with Michael makes me wane give that man as many kids as he asks me for. I wake up every morning and I get to wake up to a man that's devoted to me and our little family. I know Zac will always be there being a super dad while tending to my every need too. So I can definitely see myself having his kid be it now or in the near future. I'm ready to be a mommy even though Michael made me a mommy. That will always be my first baby." I said

Our mommy-daughter date continued after brunch we went shopping and then went  to the spa which was followed with a late lunch early dinner. Having Gladys with us was more fun than I anticipated it would be. I've always heard horror stories of how mother in law's can be bitchy but Zac's mom was amazing. She treated me like I was her own child shit she would choose me over Zac any given day but then again my mom is team Zac all the way so I'm not complaining.

"Honey I'm home" I shouted as I entered the house. Zac and I are yet to find a home that is ours. We've been looking but nothing caught my eye yet. Zac wants to build our dream home but I'm not even sure I want to deal with all that so for now I'm basically living with Zac cause I haven't been to my place in a while.

"What's up sexy, how was your day with the women in our family?" He asked as he pulled me into his embrace.

"It was good, I had fun. Baby did you get it?" I asked trying to get out of his embrace cause he was fondling my nipples.

"Yeah got about 10 tests" he replied while lightly sucking my neck making me squirm.

"Babe not now. I want to take the tests" I whined

"Okay fine but I really do hope you have a mini me in there" he said kissing my belly before letting me go.

I went into the bathroom and took fives tests out of the ten that he bought once I was finished I washed my hands and set the timer of my phone while I made my way to where Zac was sitting on our bed. "You good" he asked while taking my hands into his. "Nervous like super nervous" I said. Waiting for the timer to go off felt like an eternity. (Ding Ding) The timer finally went off and both of us made our way into the bathroom to check the results.

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