49. Dominik's agency

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October 29, 2040
4:45 PM

Dominik exited the elevator, crossing the foyer with long strides until he came upon his assistant who sat on the couch reading a book, glasses perched at the end of his nose and one leg crossed over the other.


The younger male eventually tore his gaze away from the novel to peer up at his boss from over his glasses.


Dominik slid into the couch next to him, grabbing a cushion, "How is our... guest?"

Aidan closed his book after tucking a dog-ear into the page he was on, setting it on the coffee table, "You mean your hostage?"

Dominik pressed his lips together, "Well, that certainly is one way to put it."

"I hope you know this is prime blackmail information," Aidan drawled in a dry tone, "I assume a raise is in order?"

"Of course," Dominik chuckled, "I'll double your current salary."

"Triple it."


"Hmph," Aidan huffed, nose in the air, "I should milk you for all you're worth. Do you know what a scandal like this could do to my reputation? I'm set to play first chair."

"It's only for a few days," Dominik pleaded, "Also, technically she is Attila's hostage and you know how he gets. I can't exactly speak sense into him."

Aidan gave a wry look, "Indeed. He's like a rabid dog, that one. Can't be reasoned with."

Dominik sighed, running a hand through his dark hair, "So, our guest?"

"She's quite rude," He said, "Can hardly control what comes out of her filthy mouth, most of which are threats to all our manhoods."

"Oh boy," Dominik said weakly, "Can't say I'm surprised. And besides that?"

"She refuses to eat." 

Well, that's no good.

"At all?"

Aidan nodded grimly, "Not even a sip of water."

Dominik blew out a breath, "God, she's stubborn. I'll try talking to her."

Aidan pushed his glasses back up his nose and reopened his book, going back to his previous sitting position, "Good luck. And oh, try not to get too close. She'll likely try to spit in your face like she attempted with me."

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