chapter 13: A new mission.

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Hello guys. In chapter 12 we seen nobita's new friends comes to nobita's school for the study. Now, in chapter 13 the scene changes to a ninja village name iga village were iga clan people were doing ninja practice. Hattoris father hanzo hattori was the leader of the village. One day as always hattoris father was giving training to ninja students and her wife was doing the lunch. They were happy now, but suddenly a girl
Girl: Master save us😰😰😰. We are in trouble.
Hanzo:what happened why are you in so much fear.
When the girl tries to say he got stabbed by a thorn at his back and died in front of hanzo. Hanzo got shocked and shouted angrily that,
Hanzo:who is doing such mischief things in front of me. Don't be a coward. Come on if you have the power then fight and defeat me.

???: I killed the girl. How do you like it hattori hanzo.
Hanzo:who are you?why did you come here and killed this girl.
???:All of them call me as the God of  genjustu. I'm the strongest uchiha 'oggy uchiha '.
Hanzo:what did you say?
Oggy:now. Tell me where the golden sword is or I will destroy your clan completely.
Hanzo:No I will not tell you anything about the sun spirit sword.
Oggy:see if you be nice with us. We won't harm anyone and we will go peacefully if you told about the sword.
Hanzo: I am a ninja and I am not going to say anything about the sword.
Oggy:Fine then get ready for the fight. Almighty push.

Hanzo hattori brings the iga samurai and soldiers for the fight

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Hanzo hattori brings the iga samurai and soldiers for the fight.
It was the tough fight. Both rivals were not ready to give up. Where konan using her paper bird attack, itachi using genjustu,kisame using shark jutsu, sasori puppet art, deidara explosion art, kakuzu heart steal technique, hidan mortiliy technique and zetsu using clone technique. This made the battle really epic. Hanzo sway his stars to oggy but he froze those stars. Hanzo was suprised. Oggy uses reverse curse technique but hanzo dodges easily. They fight till evening. Without any knowingly hanzo hattori, his wife, takamura and other survivors were hiding in the cave. They surrendered for one thing that they are strong and also they can't defeat oggy and akatsuki members. So he says that,

 So he says that,

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