Chpt 2- Alex

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Alex's POV

It had been cloudy since morning and finally the storm hit. It was already 1:30 and we were supposed to meet at 2 in the library. I put on a brown tshirt and some black trousers and arrived by the library 5 minutes early and as always I was the first one there. After 10 minutes Haley and Mat came in gossiping about some fight taking place outside but i didn't bother looking outside. I wasn't the nosy type and didn't want to be, I was way too occupied with our finals since my dad had high expectations and I wasn't gonna disappoint him this time...

Almost 20 minutes had passed and as always Laura was late though she was always the last one to leave which I always found weird but recently she was super focused on her studies. It did make me a little conscious since she usually didn't try hard for good grades but this time she was definitely going all out. I had known her since we were little and trust me I could tell though she did stop talking to me after high school started but I never understood why.. She was my closest friend and maybe even had a crush but she didn't need to know that. Anyway enough with all that I had to focus on my studies.

After 5 minutes Laura arrived, her jet black hair was damp and her white tank top was a little see through which she zipped up as she sat down. It looked like she ran through the rain since she was out of breath and her chest heaved up and down. Clearly her umbrella didn't help her at all. I needed to get these thoughts out of my mind. She was like a sister to Jenna and she would never think of me that way, she never did for anyone ever. I had never heard even a tiny rumor about her dating someone. She was always on her own, in her own world and she didn't give a fuck what anyone thought about her. My mind jolted out of these thoughts as the next song blasted in my earphones.

Laura sat beside me as her hair brushed my shoulder and a scent of wet ground tickled my nose. She smelt like how the earth would smell after the first rain. Unlike Jenna, Laura never really applied perfume, I remember I once heard her saying to Fiona how her perfume was really strong and she couldn't stand strong scents. (In fact you could barely smell Fiona's perfume, I assumed she had a strong sense of smell because of how she would always cover her nose whenever someone wore perfume.)

She settled down passing a book which looked like history notes to Mat. She put on her earphones and started scribbling away. After 2 hours I heard Haley and Mat bickering but I didn't bother listening but then suddenly I heard Laura slamming her book on the table. She seemed annoyed and said something to Haley but I couldn't hear her over my earphones which were blasting with Star Walkin' by Lil Nas X. I took off my earphones only to see Haley sarcastically saying "Noo" and it seemed like Laura was going to burst this time. Before she could say something I interrupted" Instead of bickering you both should get tea and then go watch a movie at Matthew's house" and they both agreed like some dumb kids. They started packing and as they got up Haley invited us but the idea of spending some time with Laura after so long made me feel like staying in the library. I glanced towards her as I said "NO" in sync with her. She glanced back at me but then quickly went back to studying. After Haley and Mat left I turned to her to talk about anything because it felt really awkward since I couldn't even remember the last time I talked to her properly but she was way invested in her studies.

After almost an hour I thought of taking a break. I looked at Laura but I chuckled at the sight. She was snoozing away on a pile of books. Her long jet black hair with a hint of brown in them fell on her face tickling her pearly wheatish skin. She gave small and short smiles as she dreamt away. A little while later she started groaning which gave me a little panic. I shook her as her dark brown eyes slowly starred in mine, still in a daze she eyed me up and down. I pursed my lips together suppressing a laugh as her sudden realization turned her ears to a shade of red.

"How... . .lo long was I a..asleep?. " She stuttered as she combed her hair into a bun. "It's almost six. " I said. She paused to register what I had just said " I have been asleep for an HOUR!?? YOU should have woken me up! " She said with a look of horror. I told her to relax as I passed her a bottle of water. Later on I helped her finish with her studies as we chatted about random things. It had been a long time since I had an actual conversation with her. We left the library by 7:30. The next day we were back to the same but something had changed....

Alex's outfit

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Alex's outfit

Laura's in her bun

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Laura's in her bun

Laura later that day

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Laura later that day..

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