{𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄} "𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞"

543 17 41

Hannah Blanchard

"Let me see from an artist's perspective." Celine tilts her head, shifting her weight to sit on top of my lower back. I feel her nails graze over my shoulders, fingers pulling down the straps of my dress.

"That means, naked, too." She lowly chuckles, her hands sliding over the sides of my waist, pulling the delicate fabric of my dress down. "It's only fair for both of us, eh?" Revealing my laced bra, matching with my dress. Perfect for the occasion.

Did I fucking fall for her trap? Really?

"Oh, shut up." I mumble, watching the black dress being thrown next to my bed. I feel Celine unclip my bra, her hand slowly moving down my bare back.

An uncomfortable shiver runs down my spine.

Celine's finger holds onto the bands of my underwear, teasingly tugging on them. "Can you just take the damn thing off already?" I turn my head to angrily glare at her, shaking my head.

"Always so needy." She whispers into my ear, leaning closer to trail her lips over my shoulder. I softly groan, what the hell is Celine up to?

"This isn't just about artist's perspective, is it?" I ask, quickly turning myself around to lay on my back, facing Celine. She lowly chuckles, her face inching towards mine.

"Oh, absolutely not."

Her lips are basically hanging on mine. I swing my arm around her neck, pressing her lips onto my own.

The rationality of my mind is gone.

Celine's tongue slips into my mouth. I tilt my head to deepen the kiss, feeling her teeth slightly bite my bottom lip. We're basically frenching at this point, her tongue twists with mine in a synchronized motion.

My teeth graze over her's, deepening the kiss in such an inhuman motion.

It felt like forever since I've had my last release. And I need it badly.

Her lips disconnect from mine, trailing down my neck, sucking and biting on my sensitive skin. "Don't you dare leave a mark." I mumble between grit teeth, watching Celine's hand move to my breasts.

Her index finger teasingly trails over my nipple, erecting it with a simple touch. I let out a quiet giggle which could definitely be mistaken for a moan.

"Oh? Does it tickle?" Celine teasingly asks, moving her hand down to my thighs. A sudden jolt springs up my body as her finger pushes against my sensitive bundle of nerves.

"And does this tickle too?" She raises an eyebrow, pushing against my underwear with her index finger.

"You're..- You're too cocky." I squeal in defense, arching my back just so slightly. Her finger presses above my entrance, teasing me.

"Oh.. fuck." I swear, quickly covering my mouth when I noticed that I moaned that out loud. She raises an eyebrow, her eyes darting to my face.

"What was that?" She teases, her fingers playing with the top part of my panties. "Nothing! You're fucking delusional." I attempt to cover up my embarrassment.

𝐅𝐥𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫 (𝐆𝐱𝐆)Where stories live. Discover now