Extra Chapter

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AN: This is the three way between Lisa,Roseanne, and Jisoo don't have to read it if you don't want to its  not important to the story just added it here if you wanted context. 

Summer was hot and boring. Lisa's rarely-used pool could barely satiate their boredom and their nervousness about college. Roseanne practically lived at Lisa's house, occasionally coming home to see her brothers, mothers, and dog.

Today, however, Roseanne had an idea of what they could do.

Annoying: Want to come over later?

Hot Satan: Why? I could be busy.

Annoying: You're not. I know your schedule.

Hot Satan: Creepy.

Annoying: Just to talk. Just you.

Hot Satan: Fine but only because Lisa's AC works and ours is broken. Let me know what time.

Step one has been put into action. "Lisa? Can we talk?"

"Yeah?" Lisa poked her head out of the kitchen. "What's up?"

"Are you done in there? I require your full attention."

Lisa shook her head, "Give me a minute." Roseanne waited patiently for Lisa's company. "Okay." Lisa sat down on the couch next to Roseanne. "What did you want to talk about?"

"You know how we're bored all the time?"

"Are you unsatisfied with our relationship?" Lisa frowned.

Roseanne rushed to correct, "God, no." Roseanne shook her head rapidly. "Oh- Lisa, never think that. I love you and I'd be over the moon if we sat on this couch, held hands, and watched cartoons all week."

Lisa took Roseanne's hand in hers with a big smile. "Okay, so then what do you want to talk about?"

"I was thinking, you know how we flirt with Jisoo all the time?" Lisa nodded. "What if we finally cashed that in and elevated that to the next level?"

Lisa blinked. "You're proposing that we sleep with my best friend—have a threesome—because we're bored?"

"Yes?" Roseanne shrugged. "We don't have to but I've always wanted to submit to you two at the same time, or at least just two people at the same time." With time, Roseanne felt herself slipping into a submissive role more and more; she loved it.

"And you want this?" Roseanne nodded. "And Jisoo?"

"Is coming over later. We can talk together."

"I'll have to spend some time thinking about this, you and Jisoo and both fairly submissive. I can twist the scene so Jisoo is at a higher rank than you but I don't think she's capable of that on her own."

Roseanne shook her head. "I think Jisoo is more dominant but because she doesn't know where our boundaries are, she doesn't feel comfortable retorting."

Lisa hummed thoughtfully. "We'll also need to go over boundaries."

Roseanne kissed Lisa's cheek. "I love that big brain of yours that's filled with planning sexual debaucheries."

Lisa chuckled, bringing Roseanne's hand up to her lips to kiss it. "I love your brain too, darling."

Roseanne blushed, it was so lovely to hear Lisa compliment something other than her body and her humor—not that Roseanne didn't love love love hearing Lisa compliment her body and her humor, it was just something new that Roseanne would have to get used to with dating Lisa. Lisa valued intelligence in a partner and Roseanne fit the role, even if most of the time she acted over-excited and thrilled at life, Roseanne was smart and could pull her weight in an intelligent conversation.

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