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Roseanne met JC for coffee, his treat. JC scratched the back of his head as Roseanne watched and sipped her coffee. She'd talked with Lisa about how she wanted this to look after everything JC had done. Lisa had suggested that she play her own game—don't lean in, don't add extra effort, and make him start the conversation.

Roseanne had been hesitant about the idea. She didn't appreciate letting JC have the upper hand in the conversation and letting him control the topics but now, being here, watching JC struggle with even an introduction, Roseanne felt vindication.

"How've you been?" JC shifted awkwardly.

"I've been good. Nothing new is going on in my life. I mostly just travel between home and Lisa's apartment. Mama's been going on more international trips and Mom's been going with her but when they're home I get to spend some time with Lisa and see Jisoo and Jennie."

"What's long-distance like?" JC tilted his head.

Roseanne shrugged. "It's not really long distance. It's just like if I was busy for a week, I'm busy for a week, just a drive away. I do some chores for Ma and she'll reward Diego and I with food." Roseanne remembered that other people didn't realize she'd be talking about Marie, unlike any of her friends or Lisa would. "Ma being Marie, Lisa's mom."

JC nodded, taking a quick sip of coffee. "I have to be honest, I expected this to go differently."

"Differently how?"

JC shrugged, "Differently like you wouldn't still be with your high school girlfriend."

Roseanne hummed, pulling the ring out of her shirt. "She's mine and I'm hers and we're going to get married someday, JC. If you can't get through that mental hoop, we're not going to be good at being friends." Roseanne sighed, leaving the ring on the outside of her shirt. "Plus, Lisa would probably fuck up your nose again."

JC chuckled. "Not in a bad way, I just... changed, and if things were different-"

"You wanted to get back together." Roseanne realized, feeling awkward about the situation.

"Yes." JC nodded, simple. "I respect your relationship and I don't want to come between you two but I had been hopeful."

"Are you over me?" Roseanne fidgeted with the ring on her finger—one of Lisa's on her pointer because Lisa had left it when she'd left early in the morning for her afternoon class and Lisa had texted her to wear it and belong to her so she did. "Please be honest. I can't handle you pining after me again, JC, no matter how much you've changed."

"I think I'm over you but I'm not over the idea of you. The idea of having someone in my life." JC sighed, picking at his nails. "I want to not be so lonely anymore."

Roseanne could understand being lonely. Nuns from her past had told her that she deserved to be lonely; that being lonely was a curse for her to bear with her paralysis. "It sounds like we need to hit a bar and get you under someone else."

Roseanne and JC both burst out laughing.

"What's going on here?"

Roseanne looked up from JC, quelling her laughter. "Momo!" Roseanne hopped out of her seat and tackled Momo in a hug. Momo didn't live far—hell, Momo was in town just a few blocks away most days but her schedule is fuck all full. "They keep you busy at the mechanic's shop."

Momo laughed softly, "They sure do, baby girl. Now be honest, is this man bothering you?"

"No, no," Roseanne shook her head. "We were thinking of hitting up a bar to find JC a date, maybe get him laid." Roseanne laughed internally as JC blushed a little. "Want to come with?"

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