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As dawn breaks, Yoongi wakes to find Nova gone from beside him. With a groan, he rolls off the bed and stretches, his mind brimming with last night's events. Their passionate encounter leaves him both satiated and wanting more. This left him conflicted. He didn't know whether to pursue her further or to leave her memories tucked away.

Stepping into the bathroom, he begins his daily routine. Trying to shake off the lingering effects of their night together. Unbeknownst to him, Nova is already preparing for another day of work at the agency. She's unaware of the storm brewing within the man. The man she shared an intimate moment with.

"You look like shit, Yoongi-Hyung. Bad night?" Hobi questions Yoongi as he walks into the rehearsal space.

"Just tired, Hobi-ah," Yoongi replies. Attempting to project an air of casual nonchalance. Deep down, yet, he knows he's lying through his teeth. Last night haunts his thoughts, clouding even the simplest tasks during the day. But he will show nothing except determination and focus today. He's hiding his inner turmoil from those around him.

For Nova, their encounter is just a fleeting experience - or at least, he keeps telling himself that. With a nod towards his fellow bandmate, Yoongi turns back to setting up for the day's rehearsals. He steels himself against questions and distractions.

Nothing will interrupt his concentration today. Not even the woman who now lays claim to parts of his mind. Today we're dedicating ourselves to music and the band, nothing else.

"Well, I won't push you as hard today," Hobi replies, getting into position to begin.

"Any thoughts on the new assistant?" Jimin questions the other six members with an air of nonchalance. Namjoon and Jin shrug their shoulders, not having an opinion about her yet. Taehyung and Hobi make a noncommittal noise. Jungkook keeps silent, observing everyone around him.

"She's adequate," Yoongi says curtly. Refusing to give away any emotion as he shifts equipment around. He's avoiding eye contact with Jimin. Inside, his thoughts swirl with confusion and desire for the big woman. He can't explain it, but he finds himself drawn to Nova. He craves her presence and feels unsettled when she isn't near.

Yet, he forces himself to treat her as if their encounter has never happened. Keeping his true thoughts hidden even from his closest friends. All that matters is their upcoming performance and keeping up appearances. So he focuses on his work, giving the topic of Nova no thought as he plugs in instruments and checks microphones.

Maybe later, when the sun sets once more, he will revisit the memories of their stolen night. Until then, his priorities lie elsewhere. Nova enters and has a few words with Jin and Namjoon. Her eyes lock onto Yoongi for a few seconds, then she pretends she didn't see him, or want him.

Yoongi feels a flicker of recognition at Nova's gaze. He quickly suppresses it, returning his attention to his task. They have shared an intimate moment, yes, but it was solely physical, based on mutual need, and nothing more. Besides, it isn't as if she displays any interest in acknowledging him now anyway. The flirtatiousness evident in her previous search for attention is gone. It's replaced with a tense demeanor, which Yoongi doesn't understand.

Yoongi can handle this. In public, he will maintain his distant façade. Keeping his thoughts and emotions to himself, like he always does. As long as he can ravage her again in private, he doesn't care about anything else.

It's a simple arrangement, one he intends to keep carefully balanced. Thus, he busies himself with band activities. Dismissing the lingering gaze of Nova with an almost imperceptible twist of his lips. Tonight will reveal much about his true feelings and desires.

Passion's PerseveranceWhere stories live. Discover now