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"You're trending Yoongi-Hyung," Jimin states the next day at work. Yoongi's phone buzzes with notifications as he enters the room. Irritation flashes across his features as he reads the message. But he quickly masks it with an unreadable expression.

"What do you mean 'trending,' Jimin?" he asks coolly, maintaining his composure despite the simmering anger burning within him. Jimin's carefree demeanor vanishes, replaced with concern.

"Your pictures with Nova are going viral. The media has dubbed it 'the unexpected couple.' It's causing quite the stir among fans and haters alike." Yoongi's jaw tenses as he processes the information. His thoughts immediately turn to Nova. And how this development might affect their fragile situation.

He remains silent for a moment before responding curtly, "Get rid of anyone discussing it here. We don't want unnecessary attention distracting from our upcoming performances." Jimin nods, understanding the seriousness of the matter. Jimin goes back to work, leaving Yoongi to stew in his mounting anxiety. As the day progresses, Yoongi struggles to focus. Agonizing over how to handle the influx of attention their relationship has garnered.

At the end of the day, Yoongi is called into a meeting. Entering the conference room, Yoongi's black-clad figure silhouettes against the fluorescent lights. His usually composed exterior reveals faint lines of tension around his eyes. Betraying the turmoil churning inside him, Sejin and the other managers glare at him. They accuse him and are frustrated.

"How could you jeopardize our careers like this?" demands Sejin, his face reddened with rage. Yoongi listens soberly, his hands clenching at his sides. When finally given permission to speak, he answers calmly.

"I am aware of the risks, but I can assure you that this will have minimal impact on our performances. Our relationship brings positivity to the group; it's that we need to maintain control over it." He meets each person's gaze squarely, conveying a mixture of confidence and intimidation.

Ultimately, his words hold weight, quelling the storm brewing in the room. Though tempers may still simmer beneath the surface. The meeting ends without further incident, leaving Yoongi feeling momentarily relieved. Yet the shadow of his secret relationship looms large. Casting doubts and fears upon every interaction with those around him.

As the weeks pass, Yoongi and Nova remain the hot topic on everyone's lips. The tidal wave of popularity engulfing Yoongi and Nova continues to crash. Colliding against the shores of their lives, leaving no corner untouched. Everywhere he turns, whispers follow. About their explosive chemistry. Their blossoming romance, even rumors of the intimate details of their nights together.

Yoongi tries to ignore the gossip. He's focusing instead on maintaining some semblance of normalcy for the group. Despite his efforts though it's hard. The weight of public scrutiny comes down on his relationship with Nova. Forcing them into a precarious balancing act between privacy and exposure.

He yearns for their hidden moments to continue. Yoongi knows that their lives are forever intertwined now. Through love, lust, devotion, and inevitably, sacrifice. In the quiet hours of the night, he loses himself in fantasies of growing old with Nova. Their love story unfolding far beyond the reach of prying eyes.

But first, he must navigate the treacherous waters of fame and scandal that surround them. As he navigates this labyrinthine reality, Yoongi clings to one undeniable truth. Nova completes him in ways he never knew possible. Whether the world accepts or rejects their bond, it matters little to him. For he is irrevocably hers and nothing will ever change that.

To escape scrutiny for a day, Yoongi and Nova visit a forest just an hour away from Seoul.

"This is nice," Nova remarks as they sit between the foliage. Trees stretch toward the sky like sentinels protecting the verdant expanse below. Providing solace and seclusion from the bustling chaos of city life. Yoongi inhales deeply, savoring the clean, fresh air filling his lungs. A content smile plays on his lips as he takes Nova's hand, murmuring softly in Korean.

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