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The day has arrived. Yoongi will follow their group and make sure Nova becomes his today. Following them, he realizes they have a fan meet. Despite that, he plunges on. With Nova's group nearing the fan meeting, Yoongi's resolve hardens like steel. Unfazed by their fans' shrieks and adoration, he presses on relentlessly. He's determined to reach Nova before anyone else does. 

Every step brings him closer to his goal. As he enters the venue, his eyes immediately scan the crowd for any sign of her. Spotting her form amidst the sea of people, he adjusts his course. He cuts through the throngs of fans and heads directly toward Nova. 

Once close enough to be heard over the chaos, Yoongi calls out her name. His voice laced with possession and intent as he claims her attention for his own. And so begins their path. A way towards finally acknowledging and embracing their twisted love publicly. Defying societal conventions and conventional wisdom. They've chosen to follow their hearts above all else. 

In the midst of this whirlwind romance, Yoongi and Nova forge their bonds of love and ownership. Creating a dynamic unlike any other. One steeped in desire, domination, and ultimate devotion. 

Amidst all the fans, Yoongi reaches her and without preamble claims her for all to see. Yoongi envelops Nova in his strong embrace, pulling her close to his side. Their sizes are very different. But, that doesn't matter amidst the pounding of their racing hearts. Their bodies mold together effortlessly. Fitting each other perfectly like pieces of a puzzle meant to be. 

Emboldened by this affirmation of ownership in public, Yoongi leans down. He whispers fiery promises into Nova's ear. His words were full of promise. They also had a hint of warning for anyone considering crossing him. 

"Mine," he growls possessively. His rough tone leaves no doubt in anyone's mind who commands her affections now. They stare deeply into each other's eyes, barely hiding their simmering desire. They continue to defy convention and expectation, redefining love on their own terms. 

Their journey unfolds, marked by passionate encounters. And tender moments that shape their unique bond. A bond forged by the flames of carnal appetite. After it's purified by the water of emotional vulnerability. Together, they traverse the minefield of society's judgments. They are secure. The world may think what it wants, but they belong only to each other. 

In this unconventional love story, two lost souls find solace. They also find warmth and passion in each other's embrace. Written boldly across their faces and etched eternally onto their heart. 

At long last, months after their separation, fate brings Yoongi and Nova back together. Their desperate souls finally reunited amidst the swirling chaos of life. As Yoongi's engulfing kiss claims her lips hungrily, both of their hearts race in tandem. Their mutual desires reaching a fever pitch. 

Nova's soft moans amplify Yoongi's need, urging him deeper into their sensual dance. Time seems to freeze as they dive into the beautiful madness of their passionate reunion. Their bodies moving in perfect sync as if they were made to fit together perfectly. 

With every touch, taste, and possessive groan, they unwittingly reaffirm their unbreakable bond. Connecting their binding love through the trials and tribulations. Obstacles that have kept them apart. Yoongi hesitates to admit it, even to himself. Nova's trust, affection, and surrender chip away at his tough emotional fortress. Stoking the embers of an everlasting love that transcends boundaries and societal norms. 

For these two lovers, public opinion rules their world. Their private sanctuary exists in raw emotion. It's a world of primal urges and unbridled devotion. Within these confines, they navigate the murky waters of their unorthodox relationship.

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