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Four months later, Nova groans in discomfort. Being nauseous all day is so fucking exhausting. Despite it, she fixes Yoongi with a serious face. "Do you have any names picked yet?" Yoongi watches as Nova struggles with her morning sickness. His heart aching for the discomfort she endures on their behalf. Stepping closer, he wraps an arm around her waist, offering comfort and support.

"Not yet," he admits, stroking her rounded belly gently. "But we've got plenty of time to decide." For now, their focus remains on caring for each other and preparing for their growing family. Names can wait until their bundle of joy arrives. Solidifying their choices with love and the undeniable bond they share. As for now, they relish in the present. Appreciating every moment and milestone leading them towards their new future.

Six months pregnant now, Nova has an ultrasound, but Yoongi is detained at work. After her appointment, she drives towards his company to talk to Yoongi. Finding him between his bandmates, Nova walks towards Yoongi. It's amidst the chaos of his busy schedule. Her presence catches his eye.

Her round belly, drawing attention in contrast to her petite height. She looks both radiant and exhausted. He excuses himself from his colleagues. Drawing her aside into a secluded corner, away from prying ears.

"Tell me everything," he commands, concern lacing his usually cool exterior. He wants to hold her close and bask in their embrace. But, his burdens demand practicality over passion. But once they're alone, he knows he'll make up for lost intimacy with possessive fervor.

"I think I can finally spook you," Nova giggles, playing with the collar of his shirt. A smirk pulls at Yoongi's lips as he gazes into Nova's eyes, recognizing her playfulness. Though their circumstances may have changed, their dynamic remains intact.

"Is that so?" he challenges, his voice thick with desire. Leaning in closer, he whispers in her ear, his breath warm against her neck. "Then show me how." The promise of their past encounters fills their surroundings. Electrifying the air between them and ignites a flame of lust that refuses to be tamed. Urging them to seek solace and release in each other's arms.

Yoongi yearns for Nova. His hands itch to explore her every curve as she carries his child. He longs to claim her once more as his.

She makes sure her lips are close to his ear so he will hear her clearly. "We're having twins."

Time stands still as Yoongi processes Nova's words. His eyes widening in shock before morphing into a mix of joy and disbelief. He cups her cheeks in his hands, holding her tightly as he whispers his reaction. "Twins...that means...two blessings..." His tone trails off, brimming with emotion as the enormity of their news hits home.

Their family grows bigger than either of them could have imagined. Their love is expanding to envelop these two miracles growing inside her. With wide grins, they share a loving embrace, sealed with passionate kisses. Celebrating their double blessing under the watchful eyes of his colleagues.

The news caught Yoongi off guard. But, he couldn't be happier to learn he'll soon be a father to not one, but two tiny bundles of joy. The complexity of their lives entwines further. Yet they embrace it wholeheartedly. Ready to welcome their children into a world overflowing with love and security.

Admits all, their wedding draws closer. With still two weeks left of her pregnancy, the wedding day arrives. Nova's moment arrives to say "I do". Her labor suddenly takes center stage. Overshadowing the joyous union between herself and Yoongi. Concern etched across his features, he quickly guides her away from the altar. Ushering her towards a designated area. A place where she can be properly attended to by medical professionals.

Amidst the flurry of activity, he stays by her side. Shielding her from prying eyes, his sole focus now shifts to ensuring her safety and comfort. No longer just husband and wife, they revert back to their roles as lovers and protectors. Navigating this unexpected twist in their special day with unwavering devotion.

Times like these remind them that life can be both beautiful and unpredictable. Requiring them to cherish and adapt to whatever comes their way together.

Nova is adamant they're married before the babies arrive, though. So Yoongi fetches the officiator and his six friends as witnesses. "I do," Nova gasps in pain, a huge contraction wracking her body. With their vows exchanged hastily, Yoongi rushes Nova into the waiting room. Flanked by their friends and medical staff.

The contractions continue to take hold of her. Sending waves of pain coursing through her body. Despite the chaos unfolding around her, he remains steadfastly by her side.

He's whispering affirmations of love and encouragement. As the minutes tick by, they prepare for the arrival of their twins. Steeled against the trials ahead with unshakable resolve and unity.

Inside the sterile room, with warmth and support, they brace themselves. For the dawning of a new chapter in their lives. One filled with tenderness, challenge, and their immeasurable love for each other.

The intensity of childbirth drains Nova's energy. Leaving her spent and overwhelmed with emotions. Yet, she is exhausted. But, the sight of Yoongi's tender gaze on their newborns fills her heart. It fills it with boundless love and gratitude. Tears streak down her cheeks, a testament to the sheer size of joy and relief that washes over her.

She reaches for his hand, intertwining their fingers. Their shared journey is now expanded. Including these precious miracles delivered into their world. Together, they welcome their twin babies into their hearts. They embrace the ever-evolving dynamics that bind them as a family. Forever united by love and a strong sense of belonging.

In those moments post-childbirth, they find solace in each other's embrace. Relishing in the warmth that emanates from within their sacred circle of love. When their children are being fed for the first time, Yoongi shoos everyone from the room. The others bow out, leaving them alone in a serene bubble of tranquility. Yoongi takes in the sight of Nova feeding their kids with a mixture of wonder and awe.

His gaze lingers on her, captivated by the raw beauty of her maternal instincts on display. He leans against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. Allowing himself to fully absorb this intimate scene, frozen in time.

As if sensing his stare, she lifts her gaze to meet his, their eyes locking in a shared moment of intense connection. "And any names yet, Yoongi?"

Though they haven't discussed names yet, Yoongi knows they'll choose something perfect. Something to represent the unique souls they brought into the world. Naming them to reflect their love and indelible bond. For now, they bask in the simple joy of family. Cherishing the sanctuary they've created amidst the whirlwind of their lives.

Yoongi observes Nova's patient demeanor, a testament to her trust in him. Steeped in admiration for her strength, he approaches the subject of names with care. After some contemplation, he nods in quiet determination, revealing their chosen names.

"Aria and Ravi," he says softly, his voice laced with affection. Letting those names sink in, he can tell by Nova's smile that she approves. The small yet mighty tribe of four embarks on their collective journey. Aria and Ravi join them.

They are symbols of their undying love and commitment. In celebrating their new family members, Yoongi vows to always cherish Nova. But also their children, and the complex web of emotions binding them together.

"Our story might have a rocky start and a very shaky middle, but despite that, I'm very happy I met you, Yoongi-ah. I love you infinitely." Nova smiles through her happy tears.

No matter how turbulent their beginnings may have been. Or how uncertain their path may seem, Yoongi feels an overwhelming wave of joy engulf him. Hearing Nova's declaration, her words echo in his heart. Solidifying their love and confirming its strength despite life's challenges.

Leaning in, he presses a gentle kiss to her forehead. He whispers his response in barely audible tones. "And I love you, my infant angel," he murmurs. His eyes sparkle with raw emotion. Through thick and thin, they stand united in their devotion to one another.

Bound by an unbreakable thread of love that defies all odds and endures in perpetuity. In the eye of their stormy love affair lies a core of enduring passion. It's proven that even in chaos, true love and commitment can thrive.

The End.

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