Chaos In The Kitchen

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A few weeks later, the time came for Emma to leave for the first taping of her show. The family gathered to see her off, each member offering words of encouragement.

"You got this, Mom," Lori-Anne said, hugging her tightly.

"Just be yourself, and you'll do great," Benny added.

Austin kissed her forehead. "We'll be watching every episode. Break a leg, sweetheart."

With a final wave, Emma set off for her new adventure. Back at the farm, however, chaos quickly ensued. Without Emma's meticulous organization, the family struggled to keep things running smoothly.

One evening, Austin decided to take over dinner preparations. Determined to make Emma proud, he donned an apron and set to work. However, his culinary skills left much to be desired. As the family gathered around the table, they tried to mask their reactions to the charred, unidentifiable meal in front of them.

"Um, Dad, what exactly is this?" Lori-Anne asked, poking at her plate.

Austin shrugged sheepishly. "It's supposed to be a casserole. I think I might have added too much... everything."

Benny stifled a laugh. "Well, it's certainly... unique."

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