Chapter 24 - Birds Of A Feather

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The next day had finally arrived, and you had gotten ready for the internships taking place today and for the rest of the week. You were excited, to say the least, but a pinch of nervousness was definitely somewhere in the mix with your emotions right now.

You'd changed into your now-designed Hero suit. It didn't have much to it since your quirk was mental-based. It had transparent sand-colored glasses and a black body suit with shorts and long, tight sleeves to enhance your mobility and agility. You had boots that cut right below your knees to match the body suit with the same colors, It had smaller patterns and details along the sides of your suit and boots that were the same sand color to represent your quirk.

Lastly, you slid on the gloves that were a part of your design onto your hands, making sure they fit right. You quickly walked out of the locker room after realizing mainly everyone was already done changing into their newly designed hero suits. A few days before, you'd also chosen your hero name along with the rest of your class.

It was funny seeing some of the names everyone first came up with, and when Midnight would send them back to change it. Especially Bakugo's first idea of his hero name, which was 'Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight', and then Midnight forced him to change it, and it resulted in just being 'The Explosion Hero: Dynamight' which was quite fitting, to say the least.

You also liked the simplicity of the name Sully came up with, which was just his quirk name but it might've had a meaning behind it regardless. He decided on 'The Honeyed Hero: Bear'. It was simple and you liked it more than you wanted to admit.

Jude's was also quite simple, and he came up with it quicker than most of your other classmates did. He ended up deciding on 'The Illumination Hero: Beamer'.

You thought everyone had such good names, and you truly struggled trying to find one for yourself. You had a lot of ideas, but neither of them seemed right until you finally decided on 'The Time Hero: Sundial'.

You remembered your mother always had a sundial in your childhood home in her garden outside, and it reminded you of her anytime you saw one elsewhere. So, that's what you went with. It felt right, and it was a way to honor your mother.

After a bit of time, you, Tokoyami, and Sully were now on your way to the agency building Hawks worked at to begin your internships. Starting actual combat against any possible villains made you ecstatic since it was finally cutting down to the real business and seeing how you react in these situations since it'll be a part of your future and everyday life in not too long.

You glanced over at Tokoyami while you walked past the bustle, Sully following ahead. "I think it's funny how we're all interning with Hawks since we're all friends and whatnot," you pointed out with a small smile. Sully dully grinned and glanced behind his shoulder, agreeing, "Yeah. Me too."

Tokoyami seemed to keep a blank expression. You furrowed your eyebrows after noticing his neutral reaction and look, "You never told me you were also interning with Hawks?" you asked.

Tokoyami kept his arms crossed over his chest as he walked, Dark Shadow out beside him. "It's.. not that I didn't want to tell you, I just might've believed you would've thought of it in a certain way."

You kept your eyebrows furrowed, confused by what he meant. What did he mean by 'a certain way'?

"Why would I have thought of it 'a certain way'?" you mimicked what he'd referred to it as. He kept walking steadily, keeping his arms crossed. He also kept his eyes closed, avoiding your gaze.

Sully stopped slightly ahead of you two in front of a large building. Your eyes widened slightly at the sight of it, "Is this Hawks' agency?" you asked him. You and Tokoyami finally caught up to where he was, the three of you pondering in front of the building now.

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