The night is dimly lit by pale moonlight, shining through the window of the crowded nightclub. I stand behind the counter of the bar, glancing at the clock, five minutes until eleven o'clock.

I sigh out of my nose and fill another cup, placing it on a platter with a few other alcoholic beverages and handing them to my coworker, Jenny.

"What time do you knock off, Lil?" She asks me, "Eleven" I reply, washing my hands and drying them on my uniform shirt, "eh, only a few minutes till eleven, hang in there" she replies, grabbing the platter of drinks, the colors mix of warm orange and reds. The nights in the bar are bright and colorful, it's hard to focus on only one thing, The flashing lights, loud music, and seas of dancing people. I stare and watch. I decide I might as well start getting ready to leave. After all, I only have two minutes until eleven, Shit, it's basically eleven. I lean on the counter and run a hand through my hair, my eyes darting from the clock to the dance floor.

My coworker comes back, she ties her hair back into a low bun, and places the empty platter in the dishwasher in the kitchen. She walks back over to me, "Got any plans for after your shift?" she asks me, "yeah. I plan on going home and sleeping" I say, groaning slightly and rubbing my eyes, "they never told ya being a bartender was a pretty shitty job, did they?" She giggles, I raise my middle finger, she laughs louder, "why don't we go dance?" She said, turning to face me, "Jen. May I remind you, we work here." i remind her, putting cups in the dishwasher, "Come on, Lilith" She whines, She puts her hands together and pouts, I push her head away, "we could get fired" I giggle, Suddenly her watch beeps, she looks down, "its eleven" she smirks, looking at me.

Before i can say anything she grabs my arm and pulls me out to the dance floor, She twirls and looks back at me, i stand there, looking at Jenny, i smile at her, she grabs my hands and started to twirl me around, i guess this was a break from my dull and monotonous job. Her curly hair was bouncy and her eyes were shut as she laughed. We both let go of each others hand and started twirling and just enjoying the time while it lasted, We just better pray we don't get caught, As i continue to move around, i suddenly feel an arm slide down to my lower waist, i freeze, Jen was too busy dancing, Somebody had grabbed me from behind and pulled me over to them, my back facing against them. My breath hitched, as shock filled my body by the sudden gesture, I slowly move the hand off me and don't bother looking back, i step away, but i am grabbed again and pulled back over, i caught a glimpse of who had grabbed me, a tall man, who stared down at me, I pushed him off a little rougher this time. "Fuck off" I say, stepping back and then full walking fast to the door, i walk out of the nightclub, not even bothering to say goodbye to Jen, i start walking towards the parking lot. As I left the nightclub, the screaming sound of silence filled my ears. The vibrations of the night club were gone and it was just a quiet and peaceful night. I unlocked my car and got in, I exhaled and stared out of the front window, putting my seatbelt on and starting my car.

I was always told I was gonna do "great things" some day, Apparently by "great things" they meant serving drinks to entitled people in their early twenties who just got the fuck out of college.

I drive down the street, my window rolled slowly down as the whispering wind flies past my ears and through my hair.

Soon, I pull up at my house, I park my car and lock it. Grabbing my house keys out of my work bag. I open the door and turn on the lights. I take my shoes off and throw them next to the door, i shut the door behind me and walk down the hall, grabbing a glass of water, i rub my eyes and sigh loudly, i was sick of my job, boss, coworkers, other then Jenny. Sick of coming home doing the same shit. 

I start walking to my bedroom, peeling my socks off, taking off my shirt, changing into shorts and laying down in bed in my sports bra. My breathing remains quiet. Yet deep. 

My room was silent, my bed slightly creaking as i move around trying to get comfortable. There was slight noises from my room, but that was normal. Soon i hear something, like a door creak. I sit up, my door slightly open. I could not be bothered shutting the door. I lay back down, Hearing my door shut again, i assumed my window was open and the wind had pushed my door shut. My room is silent. Until the silence was interupted. 


Suddenly i felt something held to my head. I open my eyes and stare at the gun held to my forehead, before it was shoved in my mouth. 

"Don't scream or i will pull this Fucking  trigger"                 


Hello everyone, my name is Jamie, thank you for reading this book! just a few things before we start the rest of the book. This book will have smut/sexaul refferences, (just a warning, i don't write smut often so it might be bad.) course language, guns, blood, ect. 

but this is my first book on wattpad, and i hope you enjoy!

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