I walk back into my room, seeing him lay in my bed, covering his lower half with the blanket, I put on a baggy shirt and underwear, laying back down on the bed, he faced me, "Still quiet?" He says in a low whisper, playing with my hair, i lean into him, he wraps his arms  around my waist, kissing my neck again, "Do i get your name yet?" I ask him. 

He goes quiet and stops kissing my neck for a moment, He lets out a shakey breath again, He sighs. "Why do you wanna know?" he asks, "considering the fact you fucked me twice now, i think i should know" I told him, He sits up, "mhm. Keep talking" He says, "Is that not enough for you?" I ask, "nope" he says, he starts crawling backwards til he was under the blanket, i felt him tug on my underwear.

 "The-The fuck are you doing?" i ask him, My underwear being pulled down before i felt my underwear be compleatly pulled off and thrown to the otherside of the room, I felt his tounge push into me. I gasped, His tounge moved around, "fuck- stop" I said, grabbing his hair, he moved his head up and looks at me. 

His tounge dragged up my thighs to my stomach. He drags his tounge up until it reached my neck. His hands touch my inner thighs. 

He slowly moved my legs to wrap around him, he smirked at me, i look up at him, he wraps his arms around me, kissing my forehead. Before saying something


"what?" i ask, looking him in the eyes, "My name is Dray"
He could be giving out a fake name, but a name was a name to me. I could not help but smile at him as he told me, He smiled at my smile and pulled me into a hug. 

"God i am fucking obsessed with you" he said in a low whisper, "I noticed" 
He smirked again. "You don't mind it" He said. 

"Your half right" i reply, he slowly rolled off me, getting up, putting his clothes on, I was slightly dissapointed he was leaving, but i kept my mouth shut. He looks me up and down, he turns to leave, but turns back, leaning in and pecking my lips. Before leaving the room again. 

I lay down in bed, sighing. My mind was racing. 

"What the fuck is wrong with me"

Why did i not shut him down, or call the police? 


I walk into work the next morning, Looking around, my boss walks over to me, "Lilith? what are you doing back here?" He asks, i look confused, "i work here, don't i?" 

"..Then..when was that email i got last night from you saying you quit?"

All the clour drains from my face, "..what email?" I ask him, He walks me into his office, opening his laptop and showing my his emails, one of them came from my email address, but i had to memory of writing that email, "is this some kind of joke?" i ask, looking back at my boss, "this was somebody else, not me" I add, he shuts his laptop, "I..have been meaning to tell you anyway" He started, He looks at me, "I think it would be best for you to find another job" He says, I look at him, slightly shocked, "wait..what?" 

"Your always late, and you don't give in your full effort, and you always complain. I hear you gossip with Jenny during ou shifts" He explains

"I-..Am i getting fired?" I ask, "I'm sorry it has to be this way Lilith, i think you need to find a job you can commit more to" He says, Shock filled my body as i let it sink it. 

I just lost my fucking job. 


I storm into my house, throwing my bag on the floor. What the fuck!? i needed this fucking job. I run a hand through my hair and sit down on my couch, I was so pissed off and confused. Where did that email come from? i slowly look over to see my laptop on the other side of the couch, i scootch myself over to it, grabbing my laptop and opening it. 

My emails were open, i click on it to realise somebody had sent this from my laptop. I sigh when i realise who it was. I slam my laptop shut, in anger. Letting out a long sigh.

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