Later that night i walk into the nightclub, putting my hair up into a ponytail, Even at work i still could not stop thinking about the night before, the image of his hands on me still remains visable in my mind, Thats when i felt a hand on my shoulders, turning me around to face them. It was my boss, "Lilith, Your late again." He says in a flat annoyed tone, "Yeah, sir, i'm really sorry, i had a big night" I say, "Oh, you mean dancing with a fellow coworker, during work hours." He corrects me, "Well, sir, we left at eleven exactly, so-" 

"I don't need the back talk, The point was you know the rules, and i am pretty sure you would like to keep your job. This is your last warning" he says, his tone stern. I nod and walk to the counter, where Jenny was standing. 

 "You good, Lil?" Jenny says, placing an empty platter in front of me, i start to flll drinks and place them on the platter.

"Yeah, just tired" i sigh, "well lets hope you don't have another dream with creppy stalker man again" She smiles, i roll my eyes, "Boss pull you aside too?" I ask, "yeah, when i first showed up" she says, in a more annoyed tone. "I swear he has it out for us" Jen laughs, i can't help but laugh with her, "Yeah, like, other coworkers have made out in the store room and they still work here" i say, still giggling, handing the platter of drinks to another coworker, "So, you free friday? me and some other girls were gonna go out for drinks after work" She asks, "i can't, boss has me working a double shift, after that my socail battery will be drained" I say, she looks dissapointed. "Thats okay, we can do something together another time" she says, with a forced smile. 


Later that night, i lay in bed, keeping my eyes open. My breath deep, whoever this "creepy stalker man" was, i hoped and prayed that it was either a dream or some odd fantasy of mine. 

Everytime i hear something, i sat ip, i felt my whole body tense up. 

"your being paranoid" 

I tell myself, i let out a breath and lay back down. After an hour is when i felt something hover over me.
"What do you want?" I ask, my breath slow, and my voice a whisper. "Its not like i'm gonna hurt you" 

his voice feels so close to my ear, "How did you find me?" I ask, "Your not exactly easy to miss" he chuckles, "i don't even know your name" i mumble, feeling his finger trace down my body
"you'll be screaming it soon enough"

I let out another shakey exhale, "Afraid?" he asks, "Fuck you" 
"ask nicely" 
This bastard wanted to test my limits.

"I don't understand" my breath is ragged. "You don't even know anything about me" 

"I know your name is Lilith Nightly, your twenty-three years old, and you have been working in  the same nightclub as a bartender for two years, your not a big fan of drinking, yet you still have alchohol in your house because it makes you feel more like an adult." He says, keeping his voice in a low whisper, "And you always take the crusts off your sandwitches" He says. 

"Who the fuck are you?" my voice is shakey and stern, as i stare up at him, He is quiet for a moment, "I'll tell you, if your quiet" He says
"No promises" 
"Fine. No name" He gets off me, i felt a weight lift off my shoulders as he removed himself from my body. 

He leaves the room. I lay there. 

It was not a dream.

I grab my phone and dail a number

"911, whats your emergency?"

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