i walk into my room, yelling at myself in my head

What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck!

I lay in bed, i was hardly able to contain my anger. I felt my blood boil, disgusted and angry that Dray would do something this reckless and stupid. I could say i was dissapointed because i truted him. Did i trust him?

 All i knew is that i fucking couldn't give in or be vulnerable. I let out a sigh before hearing my door open, i don't bother looking up.

My bed creaks as i felt Dray crawl in, he tries getting ontop of me, he looks down at me, leaning into me, and nuzzled his face in my neck. I pushed him off. 

"What the fuck were you thinking!?" I snap, he flinched a bit, shocked by the suddenly outburst. "I'm not sure what you mean?" He asks, confused, "I got fucking fired from my job today!" my tone was clearly angry, "You sent an email from my Laptop!" i added, "Were you drunk? high? both!?"

"Alright, relax"
"Don't fucking tell me to relax! do you understand how much i needed this job!?" My blood was boiling, "You hated that job" his voice was stern, "If i wanted to quit, i would have quit already, You don't get to make that fucking choice for me!" I say, my voice rasing. He looks at me, he seemed calm, yet stern. 

 "I was trying to help you"
"Why the fuck do you even care so much!? This was my job! Don't you understand that this job was the only thing keeping me with a roof over my head!?" I was yelling at him now, He was quiet looking at me. We sat in silence for a few seconds

"Say something!" I exclaim, he looked up at me, before grabbing my wrist and pulling me over. He stared at me for a few minutes, "If your done yelling at me, then let me tell you i'm sorry"

His voice was gentle. He seemed like a diffrent person. "I will do what i can to make it up to you" he said, moving his hand fro my wrist to my hand, dragging his thumb across my skin. 

My breath went shakey. He slowly grabs me by the waist gently and pulled me into a hug. He was not angry with me. Not yelling back, or shutting me down, He just held me in his arms, quiet. I wanted to fight back and tell him to get off, but i ended up melting into his touch and letting out a shakey sigh. "I'm sorry. Okay?" he repeats, hugging me tighter. I dragged my hand along his arm, looking down at his leg and seeing something in his pocket. 

 I moved my hand to his leg, i dug my hand into his pocket, he gasped a bit, thats when i pulled out the gun that he held to my head the first night he showed up. 

I held it in my hands, and looked at him. He stared at me, we were both quiet for a moment before i held the gun to his stomach, he looked down at his stomach where the gun was held. I start to drag the gun up his stomach to his neck, i slowly push him down so he was laying down on the bed. He looked up at me.

 "threatening me with my own gun?" he asks, i lean down and whispered in his ear

"don't scream or i will pull this fucking trigger"

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