I quickly pull my pants up and go over to the door, opening it. Two police officers stand at my door, "We got a call, about gunshots coming from this house." One of the officers say, I stay quiet for a moment, and look back into my room, where he still lays in my bed, I look back to the officers. 

"I'm not sure what your talking about. I heard loud banging but It must have been some teenagers. I'll call if i see anything" I say. The officers seem hesitant. "Do you own any firearms?" The other officer asks, "No, i do not" I reply, "I have cameras around my house, if something happens, it will be recorded" I add, The officers nod. "Alright. If you see anything, don't hesitate to call us. Stay safe" 

The officers both leave and go into their car. I shut the door and look back into my room. He stays there, laying in bed. I walk back into the room. He looks up at me.

"Here i am thinking you were innocent." He mumbles, grabbing me and placing me ontop of him. I stay quiet. He flips me over so he was on top, He started kissing my neck again, "I thought you were afraid of me" he mumbled into my skin. He keeps kissing my neck, biting gently. 

I wince at the first bite. "there is something wrong with you" I mumble, "You only just noticed?" He asks, still kissing up and down my neck. He grabs my waist and rubs my skin with his thumbs. 

Suddenly he lets go, getting off. "..what the fuck?" I ask, "i can't stay here all night" he says, his tone flat. 

I was confused. "Plus, you have work. Go to sleep" He said. I stare at him, before he leaves.

I lay down in bed. I made a mistake. I made a big fucking mistake. 


I walk into my house after work, walking into my room. Work was shitty as always, I lay onto my bed, not even bothering to dress into my pj's. I felt my body sink into the mattress, as the drowsy feeling fills my body again. 

Soon, i felt my bed creak again. I open my eyes. It was him again, this time. Just laying next to me. Not touching me. Not grabbing me. Just quiet. I looked at him, he looks over at me, and put a hand in my hair, ruffling it. I close my eyes again, feeling him grab my gently by the waist and pulling me into his arms. Hugging me. 

His hands move down to my waist. Pulling me into him. Gently hugging me and playing with my hair, using his free hand. He slowly leans his head down and kissed my forehead. 

"Your less grabby" I said, in a quiet and groggy voice, "Would you perfer me be rougher?" he asks, "You know me. You should know, shouldn't you?" I say. 

"Fuck you" he laughs

"Ask nicely"

My comment made him laugh louder. "Your tired. You should sleep" He whispered, looking at me. "Are you sure?" I ask, "yeah. Its okay" He said to me, moving my hair behind my ears. 

I rest my head again.

"Bad day?" He asks, i was quiet. I take in a deep breath in from my nose and nod slowly. "Want me to deal with it?" He asks, without thinking i just nod. He puts the blanket on me. 


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