The next morning i wake up. I was by myself. I roll out of bed and get dressed into my uniform, knowing i had work in a few hours. 

I walk into my kitchen, grabbing a energy drink from the fridge and sipping from it, i pack my work bag and wait in my living room for Jenny to pick me up, like she said she would. 

Soon, i hear a car horn honk outside. I walk outside, shutting and locking the door behind me. I get into Jenny's car, in the passanger seat. I put my seatbelt on, Jenny sips from my energy drink can. "Goodmorning" She says, "Goodmorning to you aswell, Jen" I say, taking my drink back. 

"So, any dreams with creepy stalker man again?" 
I freeze at her comment. "Uh..Yeah" I reply. "Sexy or creepy?" she asks, "I need details" 

"Wh- Jen!" I exclaim, she laughs, She continued to drive. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I ask, "too much" She replys, laughing. 

We soon pulled into the parking lot, We both walked in, Running inside, i almost drop my energy drink. We get inside, getting my hair up in a ponytail. 

"Woah, Jenny and Lilith are not late this time!" A coworker exclaims, I flip the coworker off. 


That night i lay in bed, in a deep sleep. Before being woken by my door opening

"You have got  to get better shit" 

I sit up and look at him, he stands there, in the dimly lit room, holding an alchoholic drink that he had taken from my kitchen

"Are you just gonna help yourself to my house?" I mutter, in a tired tone. "I help myself to you" He says, a smirk stuck on his face. 

I sigh slowly, "also, you should lock your windows, Some creep could break in here"

I raise an eyebrow, "You can't talk"
"Yeah, but i'm the only one that matters" he says, having another sip from his glass

He placed the glass down and crawled onto the bed, on top of me. "Were you waiting for me?"

I stay quiet, he placed his hands on my wrists pinning them to the bed. "I knew you missed me" 

I sit up, he gets of me, rolling to the side. "I'm gonna have a shower" I say standing up, He lays back down on the bed, giving me a nod. Who knew a fucking stalker would give you freedom?

I walk into my bathroom, shutting the door and undressing myself before getting in the shower and turning the water on. I run my hands through my hair as water drips down my body. 

Suddenly my door creaks and the lights shut off. 

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