My heart was beating so loud as fast i felt like i could hear it. I did not dare move, blink, or breath too loud. He slowly removes the gun from my mouth, wiping it off with his sleeve. He start dragging it down my body, Until i reaches my shorts. Pushing on my skin with the gun slightly 

"There could be something better than a gun here"

I let out a shakey exhale, "who are you?" I ask, my voice bearly above a whisper, "Not important"

"i'll call the cops" I say, my voice still shakey, "Threaten me all you want, pretty girl. I'm the one with the gun" 

I go quiet, i felt his fingers tug on the strings of my shorts. "What do you want from me?" I ask, my breathing less shakey, but more stern. 

"Depends on what you'll offer me" his voice was still deep and quiet. 

I felt my body shake as his fingers slip into my shorts, snapping the band of my underwear, i felt a shiver go down my spine, His fingers slip into my underwear. He stares back up at me, The gun in his other hand, He moves his fingers lower until i felt them slip inside me. I let out a quick gasp. 

I felt myself shake more, he pusned his fingers deeper, i felt as if i could not move, scream, speak. He removed his fingers and took his hands out of my pants. I let out a shakey sigh. He got off my bed and left my room like nothing happened. 

I felt my body shake. I was afraid to move.


Was it all some sort of fucked up dream?

A find myself lying in bed, rubbing my eyes, i felt like shit. I walked to my kitchen, grabbing a energy drink from the fridge and drinking it. Soon, there was a knock at my door, "Lil! you home!?" Jenny's voice yelled, "Come in, Jen" I yelled back in a groggy voice. Jenny walks in with muffins, placing them on my counter, "You good, Lil? i lost ya last night." she says, biting the muffin, "I got grabbed by this perv, i just left after that" I answer, "Ah, thats understandable. Did you leave by yourself or leave with him?" She asks, with a raised eyebrow, "Fucking hell, Jen, no- what?" i place a hand on her shoulder, "you have a problem" 

She sips from my can, and takes another bite of her muffin.

 "Anything else happen last night?" she asks, with her mouth still full. "Had a nightmare" i say, "About?"

"I was in bed, and some creepy guy came in, and held a gun to my head, i felt like i could not move. And then he..moved his fingers to my-" she cuts me off by laughing

"Holy shit, Lil, you freaky bitch." She laughs, "Jenny. I'm not kidding" i add, "so, What did this creppy stalker man look like?" She asks, "Room was too dark to see his face"

"Sounds like a nice dream" She laughs, I had another sip of my energy drink. "well, i have to head off, you can keep the muffins, see ya at work." Jenny said, handing me the muffins, and leaving the house, I wave at her, and take a bite of one of the muffins. I let out a sigh. 

"it was just a dream"

i tell myself. But i felt my whole body shiver when i talked about him. It felt real, but it couldn't have been. 

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