Chapter 1: Reunion at University

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The first day of senior year at the University of the Philippines Diliman was bustling with energy. Students hurried between buildings, catching up with friends they hadn't seen over the summer. Lucas Rivera, a psychology major, navigated through the crowd, his mind on the upcoming semester. As he turned the corner of Palma Hall, he nearly collided with someone.

"Ethan?" Lucas gasped, recognizing his childhood friend, Ethan Santos.

"Lucas!" Ethan's eyes lit up, his smile widening.

They had been inseparable during high school but had drifted apart after entering university. Seeing each other again was like a breath of fresh air.

"How have you been?" Ethan asked as they walked together.

"Good, just busy with classes and work. What about you?"

"Same here. It's crazy how time flies."

As they caught up, they realized how much they had missed each other's company. They made plans to meet up more often, rekindling their old friendship. Over the following weeks, Lucas and Ethan fell back into their familiar rhythm, sharing lunch breaks and study sessions.

One afternoon, they sat under the sprawling acacia tree in the Sunken Garden, their favorite spot from high school. The golden rays of the setting sun cast a warm glow over them.

"Lucas, I've missed this," Ethan said, looking around. "Us hanging out like we used to."

"Me too," Lucas replied, smiling. "It's been great having you back in my life."

Ethan's gaze lingered on Lucas, a hint of something more in his eyes. Lucas felt a flutter in his chest but quickly pushed the thought aside.

As the semester progressed, their bond grew stronger. But for Lucas, it wasn't just friendship anymore. He found himself looking forward to their time together, his heart racing whenever Ethan smiled at him or laughed at his jokes.

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