Chapter 5: Winning Ethan Back

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Determined to win Ethan back, Lucas enlisted the help of their friends and Ethan's sister, Carla. He knew he needed to show Ethan that he was serious and committed to their relationship, regardless of what others might think.

"Lucas, you need to show Ethan how much he means to you," Carla advised. "Be genuine and don't hold back."

Lucas planned a surprise for Ethan with Carla and their friends' help. He decided to recreate one of their favorite memories from high school—a picnic under the acacia tree in the Sunken Garden.

On the day of the picnic, Lucas, Carla, Jessica, Carlos, and Mia set up a beautiful spread with Ethan's favorite foods. As the sun began to set, Carla brought Ethan to the garden, where Lucas was waiting.

"Ethan, over here!" Carla called out, leading him to the picnic spot.

Ethan's eyes widened in surprise as he saw Lucas standing there, surrounded by their friends. "Lucas, what's going on?"

Lucas took a deep breath and stepped forward. "Ethan, I'm sorry for hurting you. I was scared and let my fears get in the way of my true feelings. I love you, and I'm ready to fight for us."

Ethan looked around at their friends, who nodded encouragingly. He turned back to Lucas, his eyes softening. "Lucas, I need to know that you're serious. That this isn't just because you're jealous."

Lucas nodded, taking Ethan's hands in his. "I am serious, Ethan. I want to be with you, no matter what anyone else thinks. You mean everything to me."

Their friends cheered and clapped as Ethan smiled, tears welling up in his eyes. "I love you too, Lucas. Let's give this a chance."

Lucas pulled Ethan into a heartfelt embrace, feeling a sense of relief and happiness. As they sat down to enjoy the picnic, surrounded by their friends and the beauty of the Sunken Garden, Lucas knew they had taken the first step toward a bright future together.

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