Chapter 4: The Turning Point

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Despite Ethan's tentative agreement to give Lucas another chance, their relationship remained strained. Lucas knew he had to prove his sincerity, but he didn't know where to start. He decided to talk to his sister Emily, hoping she could offer some advice.

"Ate, I need your help," Lucas said one evening as they sat in their apartment.

Emily looked up from her book, concern in her eyes. "What's going on, Lucas?"

Lucas sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I messed up with Ethan. He told me he had feelings for me, and I rejected him because I was scared of what people would think. Now he's spending time with Marco, and I'm jealous and confused. I want to make things right, but I don't know how."

Emily listened carefully, then placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Lucas, you need to be honest with Ethan. Tell him how you feel and why you were scared. Show him that you're willing to fight for your relationship."

Lucas nodded, taking her words to heart. "You're right. I need to be brave and honest."

He decided to talk to Ethan again, but this time, he would put his heart on the line. He found Ethan sitting alone in the Sunken Garden, looking lost in thought.

"Ethan, can we talk?" Lucas asked, his voice filled with determination.

Ethan looked up, his expression guarded. "Sure, Lucas. What do you want to talk about?"

Lucas took a deep breath, gathering his courage. "I need to explain why I rejected you before. I was scared of what people would think, of how our families would react. But I've realized that none of that matters if it means losing you. I love you, Ethan. And I'm ready to fight for us."

Ethan's eyes softened, but he still looked unsure. "Lucas, you hurt me. You can't just expect everything to be okay now."

"I know," Lucas said, his voice trembling. "But I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right. Please, give me a chance to prove that I mean it."

Ethan sighed, looking at Lucas for a long moment. "Okay, Lucas. But you have to show me that you're serious. No more running away."

Lucas nodded, feeling a sense of hope. "I promise, Ethan. I'll prove it to you."

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