Chapter 36

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( In the evening, Ajay is walking in the mansion hallway heading to his room while adjusting his folded sleeves. He notices Kalyani sitting on a chair, lost in deep thought. Ajay furrows his eyebrows, knocks on the door, and Kalyani turns to him. Ajay smiles, enters the room, and asks )

AJAY: What are you doing, Patti? What were you thinking about?

( Kalyani looks at Ajay, lets out a sigh, and smiles slightly as she replies )

KALYANI: Nothing, Ajay! I was just thinking about Arjun. Parth is putting so much pressure on Arjun, and I'm worried about him

( Kalyani looks down while sighing, and Ajay looks at her, placing his hand on Kalyani's shoulder. Kalyani holds Ajay's hand and asks )

KALYANI: Can you take me out?

( Ajay smiles and nods, saying )

AJAY: Let's go

( He extends his hand, Kalyani holds it, stands up from her chair, and follows Ajay. They both head to the car, and Ajay starts the car, smiling at Kalyani before driving )

(Ajay suggests)

AJAY: Let's put the radio on

( He smiles at Kalyani, and she smiles back as he turns on the radio and drives the car )

(Ajay asks )

AJAY: Where do you want to go, Patti?

( Kalyani responds )

KALYANI: To the market

( Ajay raises one of his eyebrows, looks at Kalyani, and then turns to the steering wheel, questioning)

AJAY: The market? Seriously, Patti? But why there?

( Kalyani explains )

KALYANI: I've got some stuff to buy

( Ajay lets out a sigh, nods, and follows Kalyani's instructions to turn left. He turns the car to the left side )

( Ajay expresses concern )

AJAY: Patti, this market will have so many people, and you know, there are so many townspeople.

( Kalyani reassures him )

KALYANI: I'll manage! Don't worry.

( Ajay lets out another sigh and rubs his forehead with his thumb. He stops the car near the market and notices the large crowd, making it impossible to move the car further )

( Ajay cautions )

AJAY: Patti, this place is not safe for you! We can buy stuff at another place

( Kalyani responds confidently )

KALYANI: What do you think about me? Just wait here, and I'll be back in 2 minutes!

( Kalyani gets out of the car, ignoring Ajay's attempts to stop her. Ajay rolls his eyes, removes his seat belt, gets out of the car, locks it, and turns to follow Kalyani, but she is already missing )

( Ajay exclaims )

AJAY: Where did she go? Just now I saw her walking. Does she walk that fast? Seriously?

( Ajay raises one of his eyebrows in surprise, furrows his eyebrows, looks around, and searches for Kalyani. However, she is nowhere to be seen. Frustrated, he starts walking along with the crowd, saying "excuse me" to everyone he passes in the crowd )

( Ajay takes his phone and dials Kalyani's number, waiting for her to answer the call, but she doesn't. He mutters, )

AJAY: Oh, come on, Patti

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