Chapter 2

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      After school Brad followed Zee home making fun of him, pushing him, tripping him. But when they passed police cars Brad was silent and stopped picking on Zee. But as soon as the vehicles disappeared Brad got right back to picking on zee.

Zee made it to his house slamming the door on Brad. Zee sighed and slumped on the door as his mother looked at him. "Are you alright?" She asked him. Zee perked up not noticing his mother standing there. "Oh yeah, I just need to rip something." He sighed. "Where is your hoodie?" Zees' mother said, reaching for him. "That stupid Brad took it again!" Zee growled then continued, "I wish I could claw off his face!" Zee said, making his hand into a fist but noticing some fur and claws forming.

"Oh uh sorry.." Zee said, calming down watching his claws turn back to short nails. Zee looked down and headed to his room. Why am I like this? He thought as he opened his door to his room. This stupid curse almost got me caught. He continued to think. Zee closed his door and made his way to his bed where he saw a tiny blue box wrapped in a golden ribbon. "To: Zee, From: Deen. Zee felt his stomach drop. He opened the box tearing away the bow and found.. Deen's necklace.. No! He thought. He also found a letter. He slowly opened it and read, "Hello Zee, sorry I haven't written to you in a while. These raisins only let us write or send things out once a year. So sorry. Anyway I just wanted to say goodbye, and thank you for being a part of my life." Zee stopped reading for a second feeling his half wolf form come out as he read. He continued reading, "so they're erasing my brain soon because I'm too Mean & Know too much. Whatever that means. Just because I grew up in a household with two dumb humans who never loved me doesnt mean I know too much. But maybe after they'll erase my brain I won't have to remember them. Anyway, I just wanted to say goodbye and thank you for being with me when no one else was. I have given you my necklace. Please dont feel bad it's not your fault that i got caught, but please don't let them catch you. It sucks here. Anway goodbye.

Love - Deen."
Zee felt his stomach sink, tears started forming and rolling down his cheek. Zee fell to his knees and cried in his bed sheets. He could feel his ears dropping and his tail wrapped around his leg. "No!" He yelled. "No this can't be happening!" He started sobbing. The thing about Deen was that she was his only friend. She was a werewolf like him but she could fully wolf out. She always wore a necklace with a shining blue diamond in the middle.

Zee clutched the necklace not wanting to let it go ever. Zee stopped crying and crawled into bed. He hid his head under his blanket and cried himself to sleep.

"Zee.." His mothers soft voice whispered, waking him up. "I'm so sorry dear.." She whispered. Her ears drooped a bit. "I know how much she meant to you." She sat on the corner of Zee's bed. Zee covered his face with the blanket again feeling his tail curl up.

"I'll let you sleep.. You don't need to go to school tomorrow." Zee's mother got up and opened his door, "I love you Zee." She said as she closed his door.

Zee rolled on his back revealing his head from the blanket. He squinted his eyes as the yellow lights in the street outside his home shone through his window. I didn't realize I slept this long. Zee thought. Ow my eyes hurt.. He thought, closing his eyes. At least tomorrow I don't have to go back to school. Or hopefully at all. He raised his hands above his head and flexed his claws. Why am I like this? Why am I a werewolf? Zee thought for a long moment then put his hands back down. I mean I guess I can smell and hear better. But I hate full moons, stupid hunger goes crazy. Zee thought to himself as his stomach rumbled with hunger.

        "Alright im up." Zee got up and tried to put on slippers but he grew a bit because of his for. So, he just walked out of his room with a blanket wrapped around him. He walked into the kitchen where the smell of cold but freshly cooked meat filled his nostrils. He saw a note on the counter with a container filled with steaks, chicken, and other meat. The note read,
"I made you some food cause I know how you are on full moons. Love - Mom." Awe, I love you too mother. Zee thought and then looked down at the container.

        He threw the blanket off him Grabbed the container and pried it open. His claws flung the lid off and Zee devoured the meat. Yum! Zee thought happily. He hasn't really eaten all day so this was a good dinner/ lunch. His tail was wagging like crazy as he devoured the meat, leaving the bones of course. He saw a light shine through the window and he ducked down behind the counter immediately. He held the container and sat on the floor. Just a passing car? He thought.
He heard a knock on the door and someone looking in the kitchen window. Good thing Zee was behind the counter. Zee saw a light go on and heard his mother sleepily walking to the door. Zee peaked his head beside the counter, calming down so that he would be in his human form.

        "Hello ma'am." Someone said, he smelt like fresh flowers and a hint of hair gel. "Hello?" Zee's mother yawned. "I was just checking up on you cause the neighbors heard a loud crash and wanted to make sure you were alright." The officer looked around behind Zee's mother, his eye caught Zee and Zee hid behind the counter again.

        "You do know that you have a teenager behind your counter, right?" The man said. Zee froze, wiped the bits of meat and stuff off his mouth and stood up. "Oh I know I think he was just hungry." Zee's mother said. "Hi.." Zee said. He noticed a few glasses shattered on the ground and a lid lying near it.
"Uhhh sorry." Zee said, hiding the container of meat. Then he continued, "I was just getting a snack, that's all." He looked at the man and he had a stern look on his face. Zee could see him fully now. He had human ears, dark brown short hair, and light brown skin. He also had a police uniform on. "Goodnight madam and sir." The officer said, tipping his hat, then he walked away.
Zee's mother closed the door and watched the officers car lights move and fade away.

        "You need to be more careful dear. And my wine glasses! Come on Zee, you better clean this up." She said
She had a side smile on her face and her hands on her hips. "I will." Zee sighed. "Just after I get the rest of this done!" Zee said as he turned back into his wolf form, his tail wagging as he started gobbling down the meat again.

        Zee's mother chucked and went back to bed. Zee brought the container to her room and sat on his bed. I wonder what raw meat tastes like.. Zee said as he stopped eating and looked at his hands that were covered in seasoning and grease. The chewy texture and the oozing blood.. Zee kinda thought that sounded nice. But then he thought again, Would I get sick if I ate raw meat? Maybe not because I am a werewolf after all. Zee shook his head. Ughh no i am not eating raw meat. He thought then finished the container of meat.

        He went back to the kitchen, throwing away the bones and putting the container in the sink. He grabbed a broom and swept up the broken glass on the ground. Then went to his room and passed out again.

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