Chapter 8

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Zee groaned as he woke up. As Zee opened his eyes he noticed he wasn't in the lab anymore. Instead of waking up to a bright buzzing light in his face he woke up in his room? Zee looked around. What the.. He thought. Is this real? Am I really home?
But before he could confirm it he heard his door open. "Zee wake up or you'll be la-" His mother said before quickly realizing he was awake. "Oh well uh get ready i guess." She said as she smiled and closed the door.
Home! Zee thought happily as he laid back down. Zee closed his eyes for a moment then opened them back up and got up. He put on his normal outfit and got his stuff ready for school. Ugh school. But this seems familiar.. Zee thought as he looked around. The clouds were like curtains over the sun, blocking the light from seeping through.
Zee made his way to the kitchen where his lunch bag sat on the counter and a note. The note was a bit blurry as zee tried to read it. It was like he couldn't even see. But he tucked the note into his pocket and went off to school.
As he reached the big doors of the school building he took a deep breath and then walked in. I wonder how people will react if they see me again... Or what if me going to the lab was a dream. Zee thought. He slowly made it to his locker and put his stuff in it.
He closed the door and then it hit him.. He heard the voice. "Zeeee! How is that collar doing for ya?" Said the principal's voice. No.. Not again! Zee thought as he realized everything was happening all over again. He was going to lose his mother AGAIN!
Everything started to replay the principal's office, the running, the rain. Until he made it to his house. He banged on the door and his mother opened it and covered her mouth. Zee felt the same sharp pain hit him again and then he muttered "goodbye mother, i love you." As he passed out like he did before. Zee didn't seem to pass out like normal. Everything did go blank but he just started sobbing. And sobbing, and sobbing.
He finally heard a voice. His mothers voice again. Maybe to come wake him up. "Zee!" She said, "Zee! Wake up!!" She said again. Her voice sounded worried.
"Zee!" her voice started to fade into Leeon's voice. "Zee!! WAKE UP!!" He yelled. Zee finally opened his eyes and looked at Leeon.
"Great stars!" Leeon said. "I thought you were dying or something, you started crying and yelling for a second." He paused and noticed Zee panting. "Are you ok?" Zee looked at his hands and then at Leeon. "Do you remember your parents?" Zee asked Leeon. Leeon gave him a "What?" Face and then said, "What are.. Parr..Ants?"
Zee looked at him for a moment in shock. "You know like a mom or dad or a dad and dad or mom and mom." Zee shook his head. "Whatever, you know people who take care of you?" Leeon looked at him. And flared his wings. "Oh!! You mean the scientists??" Zee put his hand to his face.
"No.. Whatever." Zee said as he laid back down again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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