Chapter 5

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Zee was kind of scared to go back to school. He wondered how the principal would react when he saw that Zee had broken off his collar. Zee put his hood up and kept his head to the ground. Maybe if Zee was lucky no one would notice him.
Zee tightened his grip on his backpack strap and walked into the school embracing the loud sounds and smells. Everyone was looking at him as soon as he walked in. He kept his head down trying to keep his emotions neutral. He made his way to his locker, he was expecting chatting but everyone's eyes were just glued on him and no one spoke.
He also noticed Brad was nowhere to be seen. Then Zee finally heard a voice, "are you really a werewolf?" someone asked. Zee looked around and looked at the person who said that. He was a bit smaller than Zee. Zee looked away for a second. Then spoke, "ermm.." he said.
Stay calm Zee, stay calm.. Zee took a deep breath. "Well?" The person asked again. "Zeeee!" Said a voice, not just a voice the principal's voice. Zee jumped and looked behind him. "How is that collar doing for ya!" He asked, smiling. Zee grabbed his neck hiding the spot where the collar was on friday.
The principal looked at him and then his smile faded into a frown. "How did you-" He started. Zee backed up. "I uhh" He choked. "How did you take it off!?" The principal cried then continued, "my office now!" He yelled.
Oh dear.. Zee panicked and he started to turn into his half wolf form. Everyone started to gasp as they saw his tail form and his ears start to pop up under his hood.
Zee walked with the principal to his office. Zee was so scared. He sat down in the seat he was in when he got his collar and looked at the principal as he sat down as well.
"That collar is for safety measures. It keeps humans like me safe from creatures like you!" He said. Zee could tell his voice was filled with rage. "I don't know how you got it off but that proves you are too dangerous to be here!" Zee looked down. Then snapped, "Me dangerous? You said that collar would give me a little shock! But NO, It felt like I was being electrocuted!!" He growled. "I am tired of you humans! ALWAYS CONTROLLING US!" He yelled. "I WILL ALWAYS FIND A WAY TO BE FREE! YOU CANNOT CONTROL ME NO LONGER!"
The principal's face was full of anger. He adjusted his glasses and said, "I think It's time for you to go." He grabbed his walkie talkie and said, "I need creature control." Zee's stomach dropped.
No, no no no! Not today, not now! Zee thought. He heard loud footsteps march towards him and Zee got up and ran. "Watch out!" He yelled as students crowded the halls.
Some reacted by jumping back and others running away. Zee ran but then bumped into something or someone. A guard! He thought. He slid past them as the guard tried to grab him. Zee saw the front doors which he pushed into and flung it open. Zee was trying not to trip but he ran so fast. Someone from Creature controle saw him though as he ran out of the building. "A WEREWOLF! GET HIM!" She yelled.
Zee could see a few guards and soldiers running towards him with heavy guns. But Zee was running too fast. It started raining and Zee started to get wet. He could feel raindrops running down his nose. Zee panted he could hear cars, sirens, and wet running footsteps.
Zee was running home. He could see it come closer and closer as he ran. I have to say goodbye to mother! He thought. He could see his house in front of him and he ran to the front door. He could hear the cars get closer to him. Zee knocked on the door fast and fiercely. The door opened and his mother saw him and put her hands to her mouth. "Zee! No no please don't tell me!" Zee heard the cars come to a stop, the sirens blasting. "Goodbye mother, I love you!" Zee started crying. He tried to hug his mother but he felt a pain in his neck. He roared and looked behind him.
He became weak and fell. "We got it!" someone yelled. All the noises including his mother's sobs slowly faded away. I love you.. He thought.

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