Chapter 4

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The next few days Zee didn't go back to school. He spent the last few days laying in bed not caring about anything. He kind of felt like it was the full moon again cause he was starving. He didn't eat at all those few days. He really wanted to turn but he didn't want to feel the pain. The pain felt like being electrocuted instead of shocked.
He heard a knock at his door then the door opened. "Zee, are you alright?" His mother asked. Zee didn't answer. "You need to eat dear.. You're going to starve yourself" She came over and sat on Zee's bed.
"I know you don't like the collar but I'm sure it's not that bad?" Zee looked at his hands and then spoke, "I'm surprised I don't have electric powers, that would go well with this curse." He said sarcastically. "It is not a curse.." His mother said softly. "It is a gift." she reached her hand out and touched Zee's leg.
"It is not a gift, it is a curse!" He snapped, turning but immediately getting shocked and turned back. His mother backed her hand away and got up. "You need to get up.. I'm worried about you."
"I love you.." She said softly and closed the door.
Zee rolled on his back looking up at the ceiling. A gift.. Yeah right, a gift would not end up putting me in this stupid collar. He thought for a moment. I don't want to go back to that horrid place. He reached for the collar that laid on his neck. He grabbed it and started pulling it. GET OFF ME! GET OFF! He yelled at himself. The collar started shocking him as he turned trying to get a bit stronger. "GAHH!" He yelled. "GET OFF ME!" It shocked him even more. Zee heard a knock at his door, ignoring it he flicked his tail. He whined and groaned because the collar wouldn't budge.
"Zee?" Called his mother, "Is everything alright?" She had a hint of worry and sadness in her voice. Zee ignored her and kept tugging and tugging. WHY WON'T YOU MOVE! He felt it come loose but it shocked him so hard he yelled in pain and let go.
He laid there helplessly, the collar still shocking him. His vision started to blur and it went black. He couldn't really feel the pain anymore. He layed in the darkness until he woke up. His mother was crying at his side. He could hear his baby brother also crying in the background.
The pain all flooded back but he didnt care. Zee put his hand on his mothers head and looked at her. "Oh Zee! You scared me for a moment.!" She cried. "It feels.." He choked on his words. "It feels worse.." He said, squinting his eyes at the pain. He could feel his tail between his legs and his ears drooping.
Zee raised his hand again reaching for the collar again. "No! Stop this Zee!" Zee's mother cried. "Mother please." Zee said. He reached for the collar and tugged on it with all his strength. He felt a screw pop out of the collar and boom it came off. It flew out of Zee's hands though.
Zee grabbed his neck touching where the collar used to be. "Zee you know it will just get replaced or worse.." His mother tailed off. "Mother, we can move right?" Zee asked. "Not in a week! We wouldn't have time." She replied. Zee hugged her for a moment. "At least I'm not at a lab or whatever." He whispered.
Zee laid down his neck stung from the collars shock. He was happy it was off now. His tail started wagging a bit.
"Zee, I am going to make dinner, you need to eat."
Zee's mother said, wiping the tears from her eyes. She got up and walked away. Freedom.. Finally, not even a stupid collar can stop me from being in my half wolf form. Do your worst humans, I will always be free.. Zee thought for a moment.
My neck really hurts.. He thought and rubbed his neck. "A little shock." He said, "It will be fine" he said! It was not a little shock I swear. He looked over to the place where the collar landed. It had lost its power but it was also broken in a few pieces. He also had a dent in his wall now. Wow, how strong am i? He thought.

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