Chapter 7

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Zee woke up to an ear piercing sound. And he had a pillow wacked into his face. Zee groaned, propped himself up and looked around. He saw Leeon quickly putting on a shirt and then looking at Zee. "Oh! You better get up and get ready, It's a check up day!" Leeon said. Zee groaned and laid back down putting a pillow over his face.
"Is it like a normal doctor's office and a normal check up?" Zee asked. Leeon moved the pillow away from Zee's face. "Uh probably not." Leeon shrugged. "We get checked if we're healthy or not and to see if our animal parts are working right."
Zee got up and tilted his head giving Leeon a confused expression, "What do you mean by, " If our animal parts are working right?" Zee said. "Well to see if our ears or wings in my case are doing what they're supposed to do." Leeon then continued, "I am always healthy and everything works fine, I don't know why we have to do this every month." He sighed.
Every month!? Zee thought. He got up and walked over to his dresser. He got some pants and put them on then got a shirt and put it on. He als put on some new socks since he didn't have any on when he first woke up in the lab.
Leeon went and stood in the middle of the room away from the door. "We stand here until the door opens." He said as he fluffed out his wings. "It shouldn't be long." Zee stood beside Leeon and looked at the floor. So, officially day 1 without mother. He thought. Geez i miss her i hope she is doing ok. I hope she isn't missing me too much.. He paused for a moment.
I will find a way to get out of here even if I have to shed blood. I will find my way back to you mother.. I will get out! Zee thought fiercely. Leeon nudged his wing against Zee's arm, looking at him.
Zee's ears perked up as he heard the door click and beep as it opened. Two guards came in and one person that looked like a scientist stood in the middle of them. "Hello mutt and feathers." She said, "We don't have much time so who's first?" Zee and Leeon both looked at each other and then looked back at the lady.
"I say since you're new you can go first. Just to see how it is mutt!" She looked Zee up and down. Zee flicked his tail at her. "I take that flick as a yes." She said, waving her hand. Zee saw the two guards go after him and grab his arms. He tried to pull away because he really didn't want to go.
He growled at them and then one tried to kick him to get him moving so Zee attempted to bite them to get them away. "Hey!" Said the guard in a mad voice. She had dark hair that was put up and a dark gray uniform. She was also very strong. The scientist lady rolled her eyes and then went out of the room. He came back with a muzzle and forcefully put it on Zee.
Zee looked at Leeon as the muzzle was placed on Zee. Leeon's wings were tucked against him. Zee felt someone walk and he tumbled then walked with them. He went out the door and down the hall. "You really didn't have to make a scene back there." The scientist lady said. "That was so dramatic for no reason." She rolled her eyes.
Zee put her arms behind her back and walked ahead. She walked until they stopped in front of a door. She opened it and walked inside. Zee followed. "Oh, hello Dr. Hansburrow!" Said someone in a cheerful voice. Zee looked at him and he had glasses, short gray hair, and a lab coat on. He was also sitting on a rolling chair you see at normal doctors offices.
"Hello Dr. Owen." Dr. Hansburrow sighed. "I see you brought a werewolf today. Ooo the new one!"Dr. Owen said, adjusting his glasses and studying Zee. "Yes and if you have a problem just call me. He is very complicated." She said, She waved at the guards then walked out of the room leaving Zee and Dr. Owen together. Zee stood there looking at the doctor as he stood up. "Well nice to meet you! I'm Dr. Owen as you heard but you can call me Doctor. Now who may you be?" Dr. Owen said, "Zee looked down and flicked his tail.
Can I trust him... He thought. He seems.. Friendly? Zee looked back up and looked at the Doctor. "I'm Zee." He said. "Nice to meet you Zee. Come sit down, since you're new I need some information." Dr. Owen said as he sat down and looked down at a clipboard adjusting his glasses again. Zee made his way over to a bed and sat down. His tail was hanging over the edge.
"Now Zee, how old are ya?" Dr. Owen asked. "I'm 14." he answered. "Alright," Dr. Owen said, then spoke again. "When were you born?" Zee thought for a moment then spoke, "September 1st" He paused to remember the year. "Don't worry, I can do the math." Dr. Owen chuckled.
"Last question, are you allergic to anything?" Zee thought for a moment then spoke. "Nuts." He answered. He watched Dr. Owen wrote that down then put the clip board down. He got up and walked over to Zee. "Alright Zee please do not bare your teeth at me, be aggressive, or try to bite or claw me. He moved his hands slowly near Zee's head and then took off the muzzle.
Zee rubbed his chin and looked at the doctor as he put the muzzle down on the counter. "Alright Zee," Dr. Owen said as he grabbed a popsicle stick and walked toward Zee. "Say ah." He said and Zee opened his mouth. The doctor placed the stick on Zee's tongue examining his throat.
He took the stick out and then threw it away. "Hmmm, everything seems fine." He then continued, "alright please stand up." The doctor said as he took off his gloves. Zee got up and stood there. "Stand like this please." Dr. Owen said as he stood in a T-pose position. Zee did the same and Dr. Owen started checking him. And then he examined his ears. It was kind of like a vet check up for a dog. Zee winced from the discomfort as the otoscope was inserted in his ear.
A moment later the doctor took it out and set it down. He then grabbed a light and shined it into Zee's eyes. Zee also winced his eyes as the light blinded him for a second. The doctor then set that down, put some gloves on, and grabbed a dental mirror and a scraper thing. Zee opened his mouth of course and the doctor checked his teeth.
"Your canine tooth looks healthy." He muttered. "You do have a chipped one in the back but that should be ok."
He examined Zee's teeth again and then went to put the tools down. "Ok Zee one last thing before you leave. Please stand on this scale." He said as he pointed at the scale on the floor.
Zee walked over and stepped on it. The doctor grabbed his clipboard and studied the scale as the number went up. It finally stopped and the doctor muttered, "115.0." The doctor then continued, "ok please stand there as tall as you can so i can measure your height."
Zee stepped off the scale and stood at the measuring thing. He pushed his heels to the wall knowing how these worked. The doctor then pushed the scale thing and stopped it above Zee's ears. "6,1.." the doctor choked. "You are pretty tall for a 14 year old." Zee looked at the doctor in shock. "I think that's my form, uhh i usually grow a bit in my half wolf form. I guess I didn't realize I had grown that much."
The doctor chuckled and then put his clipboard down. "May I ask you a question?" Zee asked the doctor. The doctor turned around "what is it?" he asked. "Well what happened to the other doctor? I mean the one I saw when I first came to this place." The doctor smiled. "Well im the west wing 2nd floor doctor." He said. "There is a doctor or nurse on every wing and floor of the building, just in case something happens you know."
Zee looked at him and then the doctor called in the lady from before. "It was nice meeting you Zee." The doctor said as he waved him goodbye. The lady made a "Ugh" face at the doctor and put the muzzle on Zee's face again. The two guards grabbed him and walked him back to his room. When the door opened Leeon was nowhere to be seen. I guess he is somewhere else? Zee guessed. The door shut and clicked as Zee entered the room.
Zee yawned and walked towards his bed. He laid down and covered himself in the soft white blanket. Surprisingly this place isn't half bad. Zee thought. I guess it was designed so no one went.. Insane? Or that the humans didn't have to be piled with complaints from other patients. Zee closed his eyes and sighed. Day 2 without mother.. He thought as he slowly drifted asleep.

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