Chapter 1

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        Zee!" A voice shouted from down stairs. Zee was an ok kid. He had shaggy black hair and wore baggy comfortable clothes. And he had a pillow covering his face from the fresh sunlight that showed through his window.
Zee heard footsteps coming closer to him, then a door clicking open. "Zee! Get up or you'll be late." Said his mother. She pulled the pillow away from Zee's face. Zee groaned. Zee's mother sighed then spoke again, "if you don't get up then you won't be able to eat the wondrous breakfast I made." Zee got up slowly, scratching his neck. "Fine, I'm up."

"Great." Zee's mother said. His mother had pointy ears and flowing ginger hair that was tied up in a bun. Zee's mother left his room and Zee started to get dressed.
He put on a light gray t-shirt and then put on a darker gray hoodie. Then he put on some pants and went downstairs. Zee could smell the mouth watering bacon and pancakes his mother prepared. He could see his baby brother nibbling on bits of a soft pancake.

"Here you are dear." Zee's mother said as she handed him a plate. "Thank you." Zee replied. Zee ate his breakfast, said goodbye to his mother and baby brother, then walked out the door with his school bag and lunch.
He started walking down to his school which wasn't far. Today is the first day of a new school year. Zee thought. Don't screw it up. He told himself.

As he was walking down the sidewalk he could see a few elves, humans, and other harmless folks walking or driving by. A thing about this town or world was that a few years before Zee was born, a virus or something broke out. And many people became strange creatures. A few main ones were werewolves, elves, and fauns. Some rare ones are vampires and ghosts like people.

But a few people just stayed humans. Zee was a werewolf. He couldn't go full wolf but only half. He called it half wolfing. It's where he only gets ears, claws, sharp teeth, and a tail.

But being a werewolf is dangerous. Because it could be unleashed by any strong emotion. And usually when werewolves wolf out and attack someone, they are put in prisons or labs, or even shock collars so that they can be contained. Zee kept his wolf side a secret to keep him safe and out of trouble. He usually kept his emotions neutral and not too strong.

As he made it to school he could hear sirens and other vehicles in the distance. I think someone got caught. Zee thought.

He entered the school, embracing the loud noises of the students and teachers engaging, and the sounds of lockers and doors opening and closing. Zee didn't really have any friends. He was also bullied by a guy named Brad Crane. Brad is an idiot. He comes from a rich family, he's a human, and Zee doesn't really know how he passed all these years.

Zee made his way to his locker, opened it up, placed whatever he didn't need in there, and then closed his locker up. But as he closed it Brad appeared out of NOWHERE!
Brad was leaning against the locker next to Zee's, with a smug smile on his stupid face. He had dirty blond, short hair. And wore the latest clothes.

"Hello again, nice to see you haven't changed a bit." Brad said, looking Zee up and down.

Zee tried to walk away from him but Brad stood in front of him again. Brad's dumb followers, Garry Hefley and Wane whatever his last name was stood besides Brad. "Oh I don't think you're going anywhere." Brad pinned Zee to a locker which made some people stop talking and look at them. Zee looked around trying not to be emotional. "You see last year I'm SURE you remember what you did, don't you Zee?"

"Let me go Bra-" Zee said as Brad interrupted him with a "Tisk Tisk Tisk." Then continued "You do remember don't you?" Zee wished he could turn wolf and beat Brad up. But no he would DEFINITELY get put in one of those stupid collars.

"Well," Brad continued and lowered his voice "You made me an embarrassment.. So now you're gonna pay." "What?" Zee said as Bard gripped Zee's hoodie a bit tighter. "Bradley Crane JR!" Someone called out from a distance. Brad immediately put Zee down. Brad's mother, who was the vice principal, started yelling at Brad. Zee grabbed his notes or whatever and dashed to his first class.

The school day was pretty normal until lunch. Brad walked behind Zee and shoved a tray full of food on his back. Zee tried to keep his cool, calming down he went to the bathroom to wash his now dirty hoodie. Stupid brad! Zee thought. Zee tried to keep his cool but the anger managed to slip through. He could see claws growing while he washed his hoodie. Oh no! He thought, looking at his hands dropping his hoodie and backing up into a stall. Calm down Zee! CALM DOWN! Zee thought fiercely.

         "Oh Zee!" Brad called. Zee slammed the door and locked the stall. Holding his tail, waiting for his half wolf form to go away. But of course it wouldn't go away because he was panicking. "Oh Zeee!" Brad called again. GO AWAY YOU IDIOT! Zee stopped himself from growling but he yelled at himself.

A stall door slammed open and the sound hurt Zees ears. Zee flinched as Brad slammed another door open. Zee tried to breathe but he was so scared of Brad finding out his secret.

Brad's shoes and shadow finally appeared at the bottom of the stall. "Ah ha.." Brad said. But right before he attempted to open the door someone called him. "UGH!" Brad yelled. Zee could hear his footsteps running away.

As soon as his footsteps faded Zee took a deep breath out and he started to turn back to normal.
He stepped out of the stall and realized that Brad took his hoodie. Zee sighed, I guess I'll just be cold for the rest of the day. Zee also realized that the water was still running so he turned the knob to stop it.

Zee walked out of the bathroom and headed to his next class. But then the bell rang and a crowd of people came from every corner. Zee sighed and tried to dodge the walking crowds. Finally making it to his class.

The Stories of the Lab: Werewolf BoyWhere stories live. Discover now