Chapter 6

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Zee felt something on his face, arms, and legs as he woke up. His neck and chest ached. He winced as the bright buzzing lights above him shone down on him. He looked around and he could see his tail so he knew he was still in his half wolf form.
He also saw a big metal door, a table with a bowl on it and the white dirty walls. He flicked his tail. Where am I? He thought. He felt cuffs on his wrists and legs and he tugged on them alarmed. He could feel a muzzle or something on his mouth. He heard a loud beep and a click and the big metal door opened.
A lady with a lab coat, a mask, and gloves walked in. "Why do they give them raw meat.." She mumbled. She looked down at Zee and didn't realize he was awake. "Oh you're awake." She said, Zee blinked at her. "He's just a kid.." she whispered to herself. She shook her head and walked over to the table where she picked up a clipboard. "Hmm, anger issues?" she said. "You seem calm right now but you're still in your form so you must be feeling something."
She walked over to Zee and reached for him. Zee backed his head away. "Oh don't worry, I'm just taking off the muzzle." Zee looked at her and let her take it off. Zee opened his mouth and took a deep breath. He could smell better now since all he could smell was metal. The smell of raw meat and blood from the meat filled his nostrils. Zee drooped his ears as he smelt the meat.
"Here you must be hungry." The lady said as she went over to the table and grabbed the bowl and put it in front of Zee. "I'm not sure how you will eat it with the cuffs so uh." She grabbed keys from the table as well and took the cuffs off of Zee. "Don't attack me cause you will be killed immediately." Zee rolled his wrists and closed his hand into a fist.
Zee looked down at the bowl and then back up at the lady. "What are you looking at, aren't you going to eat?" She asked him. He pushed the bowl away. "Hmm you don't eat meat??" Zee looked at her and then pointed at the raw meat's blood.
"Oh! You don't eat raw meat." She said, she looked around and then spoke again, "sorry kid we can't heat it up for you. Creatures like you are supposed to eat what is given to you."
Zee scrunched up his nose. "Hey I would cook it but it would risk my job." she crossed her arms waiting for Zee to eat the meat. Zee rolled his eyes and slowly picked up the bowl. He smelt the meat before he ate it. He couldn't smell anything wrong with it except the blood oozing out of it. He double checked and then opened his mouth slowly.
He moved his head closer to the meat and slowly took a bite of it. The meat felt chewy and well raw in his mouth he could taste the blood that oozed out of the meat.
It didn't taste that bad but Zee was also very hungry. He started devouring the meat. It kind of felt like it was the full moon again. His tail was wagging as he ate the meat. Some of it fell out of his mouth as he chewed. The lady smiled and went back to the table. She wrote something down and then waited for Zee to finish.
Zee finished, licked the bowl, then put it down. Zee licked his mouth and wiped off any bits of blood. The lady smiled at Zee.
Zee heard the door beep then click again. 2 men came into the room and put the cuffs back onto Zees wrists. They then lifted Zee up and walked him out the room. He wasn't sure where they were taking him.
They walked down a hall then entered a room. Zee could hear muffled screams somewhere far. Zee could see a tinted window, a table, and two chairs. The guards pushed Zee near a seat and Zee sat down. His tail curled on his leg and he waited.
Soon a man in a suit walked in and said, "Greetings, I am dr. fitch." he sat down and continued. "Please don't be afraid we shall not hurt you in here." He lifted his head. "What's your name?" he asked Zee.
Zee looked down. Do I trust this guy? He seems sketchy... Zee thought. "You can trust me, you know." Dr. Fitch said as if he was reading Zee's mind. "I'm Zee.." he said. "Where am I? Why am I here?" He looked around. "Well you are in a lab, and you're here because you are not fit to be out in the world." Dr. Fitch replied. A lab.. No! Zee's stomach dropped and his ears drooped and so did his tail.
"Now if i may i will ask a few questions myself. This is mandatory and you have to answer honestly. Got it?" He looked at Zee. Zee nodded. "Great now, how old are you?" Dr. Fitch asked. "I am 14." Zee replied. "Alright, do you have any friends?" Zee looked up, "no..?" He touched his tail. "Ok?" Zee looked down. Why are these questions so personal? He thought.
"Ok, do you have anything to hide?" Dr. Fitch said he looked at Zee. Zee backed his head up and looked around. "Why do I have to answer that?" He said. "I mean everyone has something to hide." He looked back at Dr. Fitch. "This is a yes or no question. I'll ask you again, do you have something to hide?"
Zee closed his eyes. Didn't I give him an answer?? I said everyone has something to hide. Zee thought. "Answer the question boy." Zee opened his eyes and looked at him. "No?"
"Alright." Dr. Fitch said. "Last one alright, why did you attack that boy?" Dr. Fitch's face was stern. "I uhh." Zee began. "I um, I attacked him because it's his fault.. It was his fault my friend got captured. It's his fault why I ended up here. He's the worst human ever. I would do anything to rip that smug smile off his face.." Zee growled. "I think we're done here." Dr. Fitch sighed.
He waved his hand and got up. "Welcome subject 17." He said and walked away. The guards grabbed Zee and pulled him up. They marched him to a room where he was strapped down.
He saw a table with medical supplies on it. He also saw a weird thing with a number on it. 0017.. He thought. "Oh! Another one great" a lady said as she walked into the room. "Welcome little mutt." She yawned.
"This won't hurt for me but for you it will really hurt." She said as she sat down in her seat and picked up the thing with the number on it. She looked at it and it looked hot. Zee squirmed as she moved it closer to his neck. "If you keep moving then it will only hurt more." She said, Zee stopped moving and braced for the thing to touch him.
As soon as it did though it burned his neck. He yelped and howled in pain. "Oh stop that!" The doctor yelled. Zee didn't, instead he growled at her and he wanted to reach for his neck.
"Don't growl at me mutt!" She said she picked up a syringe and poked it into Zee's arm and took some of his blood.
"See, it wasn't that bad now, isn't it?" The doctor said then continued, "now take this and go change. You got 2 minutes mutt." She said and gave Zee a white shirt and white pants.
Zee went into a bathroom in the doctor's office and started to get dressed. Why am I listening to them? I can just kill anyone in my way.. Zee thought. He looked at his claws. He put on the shirt then put on the pants. The pants had an elastic hole for Zee's tail to go through.
He finally put on the shirt and grabbed his other clothes and walked out the bathroom. "How long does it take for you to put on close?" The doctor asked as she crossed her arms.
"This feels weird.." Zee said as he scratched his side. "Ugh don't be a big baby about it. Just know you have clothes in your cell and yours is on the right ok. Don't get it mixed up with that bird." The doctor said, She waved her hand and the guards grabbed Zee and walked him to his cell. Zee dropped his old clothes and walked off with them. My hoodie! He thought sadly. "Please mail that to my mother!!" He yelled.
Zee walked down a few halls and finally saw cells. He saw a circular window in each cell where many different creatures like Zee. They finally reached a cell #1890 Zee read. The cell door opened and the guards threw Zee in it.
"Oof!" Zee growled. He got up and wiped himself off. The door closed and Zee heard a click as it shut. Zee shook his head. And all of a sudden he heard wing beats. "Woah!" Someone said behind Zee.
"Wha-!" Zee got caught off guard. "Are you an actual werewolf?" The person grabbed Zee's tail and Zee jumped and grabbed his tail. "Don't touch that!" He growled but then stopped. "You're a.." He looked the person up and down. He had curly dark red hair and had black wings on his back. He had bird feet but a normal body.
"Oh I'm a harpy! Kind of.." He trailed off for a second then continued. "Nice to meet you, I'm Leeon!" He held out his hand. Zee shook it. "Woah you have claws!" Leeon yelled. "Uh, would you keep it down, I have sensitive ears..' Zee told Leeon and pointed to his ears. Leeon gasped, lowering his voice, "oh I'm so sorry!"
"It's alright." Zee said. "So are you like the other one?" Leeon said. "Other one?" Zee asked. "Ermm.. The other werewolf, 205." Leeon said. He adjusted his wings. "Erm.." Zee started, "no??" "Ah great!" Leeon said then continued. "She is sooo mean!"
Mean.. No it can't be Deen.. Zee thought for a moment. Zee looked around the room and he saw two beds, two dressers, a bathroom with a door, and one little window. The walls were still white and dull. "Sooo uh what's your name?" Leeon asked. "Oh I am..." Zee thought for a moment then spoke again "Zee."
"Nice to meet ya Zee!" Leeon said as he spread his wings. Leeon flew over to the dressers and pointed to the right side of the room. "That's your side. Your clothes are in there." Leeon pointed to the dresser. Zee made his way over to it and opened the dresser hoping for some clothes from home. But instead it was plain white shirts and plain white pants. Some were normal and the others had a hole in them.
This place doesn't seem so bad. Zee thought. But it's not right.. Zee looked at Leeon. "So what do we do here?" He asked. Leeon sat down on his bed and then spoke. "Well sometimes we get tested or something. Ooo! That's how I got this scar!" Leeon said as he lifted his shirt. He had a scar across his chest. He continued, "or studied on, it's kinda weird though."
Zee shivered at the thought of being tested on. All of a sudden Zee could smell something familiar. Cooked chicken! It smells like mothers chicken.. Oh mother.. Zee thought. His ears started to droop as Zee thought about his mother.
"Are you alright?" Leeon asked. Zee perked up and said "yeah." Leeon looked at him then laid down. Zee also went to lay down. He curled up and kept thinking about his mother. I'm sorry I failed to keep my secret.. He thought. I never wanted this to happen. Zee glanced at the window and saw the son was going down so he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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