Chapter 3

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The next few days Zee spent those days in bed doing nothing. He was mourning about Deen's mind erasing thing. She won't even remember me.. Zee thought. If only it was me that got caught.. Stupid Brad, I just want to rip off his face! Or Smash it in the ground! Zee growled. He was holding onto Deen's necklace, not letting it go. Zee heard a knock on his door then he heard his mothers voice. "Zee, someone is here to see you."
What? Zee thought as he turned back to his normal form. He got up and opened his door. He saw BRAD WITH HIS MOTHER!? Zee tried to slam the door on them but his mom put her foot in the way. She slowly opened the door again.
Zee kept his emotions neutral but really wanted to yell and yell and YELL until his voice gave out.
"Just give him a chance." Zee's mother whispered to him. She let Brad enter Zee's room and closed the door. "Hey Zee." Brad said. Zee looked at him. "Are you gonna say anything?" Brad asked. Zee wasn't really sure what to say except "Get out" Or "What are you doing here?" Zee managed to say "What are you doing here?" But he also stumbled a bit. Brad rolled his eyes and looked at the door. He started to whisper "I know your mother is listening right now so.." He turned up his voice and spoke again, "I'm here to apologize." He looked around for a second, but then noticed Deen's necklace in Zee's hand.
Brad was wearing a backpack so he took it off and unzipped the big pocket. He then reached inside and pulled out Zees hoodie. It had a little patch on it and it smelt like a good kind of laundry detergent.
"You owe me.." Brad whispered to Zee. Zee grabbed his hoodie and watched Brad get up and open the door. He looked at Zee's mother then walked away. As soon as Zee heard the front door slam shut he transformed into his half wolf form.
His tail was wagging but then came to a stop. "That stupid Brad!" He yelled. "He tore the sleeve!" He growled as he saw the patch that didn't even match the hoodie color stitched on there.
"But at least he fixed it." His mother said leaning against the door frame. Zee put on his hoodie and sat down at his bed. His mother smiled at him and closed the door.
Zee layed back down. Nothing really happened for the rest of the day.
The next day Zee finally went back to school on a friday. THE FRIDAY. As usual Zee got picked on again by Brad and went to his first class of the day, which is math. He sat down and waited for the class to begin.
As the bell rang everyone shut their mouths and sat up. "Good morning class." Groaned Mr. James. Mr. James had a short shaved haircut and black hair. He also had a scar on his neck and always wore a button up with a tie.
"Today we are learning about-" He stopped for a second scanning the room. "Where is Mr. Hill?" Then Zee heard a knock on the door.
Mr. James went to open the door and then started yelling at the kid. "Your late Mr. Hill!" Mr. James yelled. "I'm sorry! I didn't hear the bell.." The kid shyly said. Zee could see the kid was wearing a blue tee shirt and a jacket. He also wore a beanie which he immediately took off.
"Go sit down!" Mr. James said. The kid went and sat down. Now he's really mad.. Zee thought. After that class everything went pretty well. Zee had an exam but surprisingly got a good grade on it. But then Brad came along.
Of course he did. He always picked on Zee. His two followers as well, but this time.. Zee couldn't take it anymore.
He felt the anger boil in him. He felt his claws grow and he raised his arm fast! And almost attacked Brad! "I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU!" Zee roared. Brad screamed and leaped back, his followers ran away.
Zee felt two firm arms wrapped around his own. Two guards tried to pull him back. "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" Zee cried. "ALL. YOUR. FAULT!" Zee wasn't sure what Brad was feeling. His expression was filled with anger, surprise, and fear.
Zee was pulled away into the principal's office. Oh no, no no no no no! I can't be here.. I failed Deen! I'm going to end up like her.. Zee started panicking. He tapped his claws against the arm of the seat, waiting for his mothers arrival. The principal just kept looking at Zee with a smug look on his face. Zee put up his hood hiding his face.
Zee heard a knock on the door and then the door opened.
"Hello." Zee's mother said. Zee started panicking even more. How will mother react.. She always told me "Be careful".. "Ah Mrs. Toadstool welcome! Please have a seat." The principal said with a smile.
"Now you wanna know why I brought you here Mrs. Toadstool?" He said as Zee's mom nodded. "Yes, I would like to know what is going on here." Zee could tell that his mother was glancing down at him.
"Well you may not take this easily," the principal adjusted his glasses then continued. "Your son tried to attack a student today." Zee could tell both of them were looking at him now so he took off his hood and revealed his ears. They were down and he had a guilty look on his face.
Zee's mother had a shocked and scared expression on her face though, she placed her hand on his knee. "Now, usually we don't accept.." The principal looked down at Zee, "his kind."
Zee didn't like that the principal was calling him a "Kind" like he was an animal. But he guessed he was kind of an animal. "Mrs. Toadstool, this cannot happen again. My school is a safe environment for well people. And your son needs to be contained." The principal sat up.
Zee didn't like the word "Contained" he growled at the thought of being in a lab or one of those stupid collars.
"You know what this means don't you Mrs. Toadstool?" The principal looked at Zee's mother. "Yes.." She replied. "Great, well your lucky kid!" He looked down at Zee. "We managed to get you before you could lay a.. Claw on that kid. So you may be in a collar for well a year or so?" Zee growled, "a year?" He looked at the principal. "Woah there is no need to get feisty!"
Zee backed down as mother tapped his knee. "You will only feel a slight shock." The principal said as he reached for his walkie talkie. "Bring in the collar please." he said into it and moments later someone in a lab coat brought in a collar. It was a black color. It kinda looked like a choker but a bit thicker and bigger.
The lady handed it to the principal and looked at Zee as she left. "Now then." He said inspecting the gadget. "Shall we put this on?" He looked at Zee with the most sketchiest smile.
Zee backed his head away and looked at his mother. She looked at him and turned away.
The principal got up and moved a bit closer to Zee. Zee growled at him as he tried to put the collar on him. "Boy! I am doing you good!" He yelled. He moved a bit closer, almost reaching Zee's neck until Zee bared his teeth and growled even more. "Don't put that stupid collar on me!" He growled. His tail was also lashing to warn the principal.
The principal slapped him and Zee yelped. The principal quickly put on the collar and it shocked Zee so hard he was in even more pain. "GAH!" Zee yelled, grabbing the collar and trying to pull it off.
"It wont turn off until you transform back, mutt." The principal adjusted his glasses again and put his hands behind his back. Zee was a bit too mad to not be mad but the shocking was so bad.
Zee tried to calm down to stop it but he couldn't really control his emotions. He could hear his mother crying a bit as she heard Zee's pain.
Zee felt bad for her and calmed down, drooping his ears even more and calming down. He transformed back and the shocking stopped.
"Good boy." The principal said. "I'm sorry your son is like this." He told Zee's mother, but then she snapped. "ZEE IS NOT DANGEROUS! YOU ARE DANGEROUS! YOU HURT AND DESTROY FAMILIES YOU CRAZY MONSTER!" Zee's mother was sobbing now worrying for her son. The principal quietly sat down and then spoke again, "I think our time here is done. Don't you think." He looked at zee and zee wanted to claw at him. Zee and his mother got up. "Farewell Mrs. Toadstool and.. Zee. See you Monday."
Zee's mother stopped crying and walked out the door. Zee saw Brad who looked at Zee then quickly looked away.

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