I'm bleeding love

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A/N: Noah POV of the last chapter


"I live here." Noah said to Cody.

"Oh, okay... see you tomorrow?" Cody said awkwardly.

Noah shrugged. "Maybe. Bye." He went inside quickly.

He shut the door and stood there for a few seconds.

After a while, he looked out window and watched Cody walking away until he was out of sight.

He frowned and sank to his knees.

"Noah." Someone called out.

Noah turned around and saw his mom.

She crossed her arms and eyed him.

"Oh. I got sent home because I caught a cold."

She looked him over. "I'll warm up some milk." She told him before walking off.

Noah went to go sit at the table and put his head down.

His mom came and brought him a cup of warm milk.

"How are you?" She asked him.

"Awful." He answered in an annoyed tone.

She sat on another chair and tilted her head.

"Humans are so hard to understand." Noah mumbled.

His mom nodded in agreement. "If you want things to work out between you and a human, you're going to have to be a lot more honest about your feelings."

Noah looked at her.

"I know that's impossible for you." She said with a knowing smile.

"Maybe I should..."

His mom stared at him in thought.

"Tell me about this human."

Noah looked at her and smiled.

"Noah. Are you going to school?" His mother asked.

Noah glared at her from his bed.

She raised an eyebrow. "You're still sick? You're unbelievable."

He covered his face with the blanket.

She rolled her eyes and left.


Noah was still in bed, hours later.

He looked up at the ceiling and wondered what Cody was doing.

"Noah! Come eat!" His mother yelled from another room.

But Noah didn't want to eat. He would rather think about Cody.

He hugged his pillow and pretended it was Cody.

His mom walked in and eyed him.

She crossed her arms.

When he noticed her, he glared.

"I filled up the birdfeeder." She told him.

He didn't react.

"You must really be upset... birds are your favourite."

"What's the point?" He shrugged.


"I just want this day to be over so I can go to school tomorrow."

His mother looked at him like bruh.

"Fine. More for me." She said before walking out.

Noah frowned.


Noah was sleeping when his mom woke him up.

"Is it morning already?"

"No. Cody's at the door."

Noah fumbled to get up and ended up falling on the floor.

He quickly stood up and ran to the door.

He took a deep breath and then opened it.


He was so happy to see him, but he didn't want to surprise him, so he just ended up staring at him.

He couldn't believe he was really there... right in front of him.

A sudden harrumph brought him back to reality.

That's when he noticed the girl behind Cody.

He knew immediately that he wasn't gonna like her.

"Um, that's Sierra... she's new." Cody told him.

"Then why is she with you right now..?" Noah asked.

"She... saved my life."

"Your life was in danger??" Noah worried.

"I almost got hit by a car... it doesn't matter..."

"It does matter. Are you okay?" Noah examined Cody's body to make sure he wasn't hurt.

"I'm fine! Really! But... she did save me."

Noah glared at her.

"Um! I came to give you this!" Cody remembered and then pulled out the worksheet and gave it to him.

Noah looked at it. "Thank you, Cody." He rubbed his head on Cody's face.

Cody is so sweet and kind for bringing this paper to Noah even when he didn't have to.

Noah then heard the beautiful sound of Cody's laughter.

He wanted to treasure this moment, but sadly it ended almost right after it began.

Sierra had pulled Cody away from him.

Noah glared at her.

She glared back.

"Guys-" Cody started.

"Who do you think you are nuzzling up to my Cody like that??"

"Your Cody??" Noah repeated angrily.

"That's right. He told you, didn't he? He owes me his life now."

"Is that how that works??" Cody asked.

"Of course... if it wasn't for me, you'd be dead!" She said while suffocating Cody.

Noah was fuming.

"Uh, Sierra-" Cody started.

"Oh! Did I say something wrong?" She asked.

Cody looked at her and then looked at Noah.

He sighed.

"She did save my life..."

Sierra giggled and continued hugging him.

What was happening right now?

Noah thought that Cody liked him back and now this?

Noah glared at both of them and then shut his door.

He immediately sunk down and burried his face in his knees.

He couldn't hold back his tears.

His mother walked over and frowned.

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